ice / crystal grow update


Well-Known Member
What do u think are they looking ok ????
week 5 of grow
week 2 of flower
pre flowers everywhere
small buds coming on 1 plant (Crystal)
running out of room though !
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Active Member
Looking great nice color you have there!i Would try to put low CFL bulb under them to get some light .but very good man!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the stretch can get out of control.

If it is only a little slowdown that you need, you can
also just pinch and crush the runaway stems slightly.

This will stall growth slightly, and result in a thicker stem too.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Yeah, the stretch can get out of control.

If it is only a little slowdown that you need, you can
also just pinch and crush the runaway stems slightly.

This will stall growth slightly, and result in a thicker stem too.

Good luck,

checked on them 2day and look whats happened
grow 330.jpggrow 329.jpggrow 328.jpggrow 327.jpg
light is as high as i can get it
will pinching stems be enough ?
just when you think all is good this happens


Well-Known Member, it will *not* week 2 you have most
of the stretch to go. LST....tie some of the taller tops
over to the side.

This (preparing in advance for final plant size) is something
that I am also still working at.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Hey JD is this ok for my first LST
i will tie more down as they face upward
I think i need to do this to my ICE plant up the back of cabnet but i have no more room as u can see from pic
any ideas???
grow 336.jpggrow 335.jpggrow 334.jpggrow 333.jpggrow 332.jpggrow 331.jpg


Well-Known Member
It is hard to be certain, and to be honest this is an area
that I am very much still figuring out myself. ...but that
looks like a good start. (I would tie it "over" more than "down")

The fact that the stretch varies with breed is another complicating factor.

My main concern on your behalf is where you are at in the flowering
cycle. It is likely that much of the stretch is still to come.

My ping-ponging this around with you is at least keeping it at the
top of the threads list (it sorts my timestamp of latest post), so that
hopefully one of the grey-beards will come along and settle the matter.

What you are trying to do, from my perspective, is to try to visualize
where the plants will be when the stretch is done, and to take the
necessary steps now to help make this happen.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
It is hard to be certain, and to be honest this is an area
that I am very much still figuring out myself. ...but that
looks like a good start. (I would tie it "over" more than "down")

The fact that the stretch varies with breed is another complicating factor.

My main concern on your behalf is where you are at in the flowering
cycle. It is likely that much of the stretch is still to come.

My ping-ponging this around with you is at least keeping it at the
top of the threads list (it sorts my timestamp of latest post), so that
hopefully one of the grey-beards will come along and settle the matter.

What you are trying to do, from my perspective, is to try to visualize
where the plants will be when the stretch is done, and to take the
necessary steps now to help make this happen.

Good luck,

Hey JD you not only reply to my thread you also keep it going as u said
bring on grey beards !!!!!
hey JD i looked up your other grows and man you are a dark horse
that grow looked fuckin rippa mate
well done
and thanx for hanging around


Well-Known Member
...and keep posting to your own thread....all subd members will see the update,
and as things progress you may have a clearer situation.

I appreciate the good word on the grows. It is fun. Now to get back into programming. :0)

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
update of grow
worked it out day 39 of grow , day 20 of flower
Ice is the very bushy plant(is this common with this strain ???)
Crystal is other plant with buds starting to form
how long do you think untill ready ? (maybe 4 weeks?)1st grow i have no idea
are they looking ok ?
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grow 343.jpg


Well-Known Member
I can only say of ice that a bro *loves* that shit. It is always in his mix in the tent.

Good luck!



Well-Known Member
Update of grow
Day 40 of grow
Day 21 of flower
buds are growing heaps quicker than i thought
you can see a difference every day
grow 363.jpggrow 357.jpggrow 356.jpggrow 355.jpggrow 354.jpggrow 353.jpggrow 352.jpggrow 350.jpggrow 351.jpggrow 349.jpggrow 362.jpggrow 361.jpggrow 360.jpggrow 359.jpg
I thought i would add a pic of my bean plants growing inside aswell
Would you chop of the burnt shade leaf or leave it there ?
thanx for any comments peoplegrow 358.jpg


Well-Known Member
Just finished doing LST on my ICE plant
I were going to leave it but it got way to bushy
with no light getting in