

Well-Known Member
anyone ever heard of iboga? it seems really interesting. living in the states and being broke i dont think ill see it any time soon

"Forty years after globetrotting backpackers introduced a substance called ibogaine into the U.S. drug culture, the extract from western Africa's Tabernanthe iboga shrub has become an underground rage among drug-addled Hollywood celebs willing to plunk down between $3,500 and $10,000 for ibogaine treatment at any one of about a dozen unregulated clinics worldwide, including the one in B.C.
Because ibogaine is illegal in the U.S. – one of just three countries to ban the substance, along with Belgium and Switzerland – clients have to travel to clinics in countries such as Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Slovenia for an "ibogaine experience".
Advocates liken the miracle drug – which can unleash a reality-shattering trip so powerful it has been described as "dying and going to hell 1,000 times" – to the Holy Grail of addiction cures, comparable in importance to the discovery of penicillin. Although ibogaine's alleged ability to quickly cure opiate addiction without withdrawal symptoms was discovered relatively recently, the substance has long been used in Gabon by hunters to stay alert and, in larger doses, in week-long sacred ceremonies in the Bwiti religion.
(full article)http://www.straight.com/article-115404/the-quest-for-the-ultimate-cure-for-addiction


Oracle of Hallucinogens

I am guessing the reason it is illegal is due to its success rates for eliminating addictions.. the pharmaceutical industry wouldn't want that now would they?


Well-Known Member
and its just a fucking root from a fucking bush in africa. im thinking about going to africa and just getting my own roots and ill do it in a hotel room in africa or maybe ill go see my family i have in other countrys and get it there. i really dont want to pay $3,500 to rid myself of adiction and have the trip of my life when its just a fuckin root


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I am sure there are entheogen vendors that sell it.. and I am sure you could do an extraction to get Ibogaine HCl.

It is supposed to be very intense (which I know you stated), but so I hear, even with the description, it catches many off guard.


Well-Known Member
and its just a fucking root from a fucking bush in africa. im thinking about going to africa and just getting my own roots and ill do it in a hotel room in africa or maybe ill go see my family i have in other countrys and get it there. i really dont want to pay $3,500 to rid myself of adiction and have the trip of my life when its just a fuckin root

WOW! im down! i need a new trip, the cid in socal sucks right now! going to hell and back 1000 times! thats gotta mean sumthin.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Its legal in Canada if you weren't aware. Take a trip to the sunshine coast, get a package sent to your resort, have a nice long day at the beach then take an 18 hour introspective journey through space, time and dissolve the membrane between reality and your thought and memories.

Don't mind if I do.


EDIT: Oh, its in the article. :O


Well-Known Member
Its legal in Canada if you weren't aware. Take a trip to the sunshine coast, get a package sent to your resort, have a nice long day at the beach then take an 18 hour introspective journey through space, time and dissolve the membrane between reality and your thought and memories.

Don't mind if I do.


EDIT: Oh, its in the article. :O
i believe canada and mexico is where they have the "treatment centers" that charge that astronomical price.

im still looking into it, so ill figure it out


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Psychedelics are good for all around addictions.

KaleoXxX fuck the treatment center.. find the root :-)


Well-Known Member
Nah you can get the root from an ethnobotany supply, or even the extract which can cost $500 for 500mg, I would rather do the extraction though.



Oracle of Hallucinogens
Nah you can get the root from an ethnobotany supply, or even the extract which can cost $500 for 500mg, I would rather do the extraction though.

I have seen Ibogaine for a LOT cheaper than that! Right on with finding a source, then doing the extraction.


New Member
I did some research on this a while back.

It has been used to cure addictions and habits of any kind. Something about the combination between what it does to your brain and the actual experience of the trip.

I would rather extract it or get it myself somehow, those treatment centers cost $5,000+ for something you could do yourself for under $200. As long as you do your research and know the correct amount I dont think theres any problem doing it yourself.


Well-Known Member
I did some research on this a while back.

It has been used to cure addictions and habits of any kind. Something about the combination between what it does to your brain and the actual experience of the trip.

I would rather extract it or get it myself somehow, those treatment centers cost $5,000+ for something you could do yourself for under $200. As long as you do your research and know the correct amount I dont think theres any problem doing it yourself.
Yeah after you take it, it allows you body to produce a new neurotransmitter for 4 months after called noribogaine. Its the suspect of addiction cure.



Oracle of Hallucinogens
I think it may not be because of the noribogaine.. but rather because the noribogaine is at the Kappa Opioid receptor. :-)