I was just wondering...


Well-Known Member
Is anyone going (or can they) to be offering anything else on their menu like edibles, tinctures, etc. and what kind of hoops will that require?


Well-Known Member
As far as I understand it Licensed Producers will only be able to offer Marihuana. Patients would have to make their own edibles and etc if desired.


New Member
Dry goods only. Laws have not changed yet so baking, tinctures, and oils will still be considered not legal. Its just a natter of time, BC already has a case going through the system about edibles, but for the rest of Canada your shit out of luck until they realize it is the oils and tinctures are the medicine...JAS


Well-Known Member
And once again, people like me that juice the raw leaves of the cannabis plant, would be SOL under the new program, as HC doesn't recognize anything other than "dried marihuana". Sigh...so much for trying to help sick people. This MMPR is an utter sham.