I want to know basics


I am a Big smoker and it cost me like 100$ of weed a week so I wanted to start growing.I have no friends doing this so I came here.:hump:I want to grow outdoor cause I can do it inside. tell me all plz.


Well-Known Member
yea bro, read ur ass off then ask all the lil details you couldnt find. nobody is goona research for you to get high ya digg ;) lol


Well-Known Member
lol. if ya cant read a few pages you deffinatly wont b able to keep up with an outdoor grow...
love,patience,and straight up hard work is the foundation of a good crop.
after about 500 pages i realized this haha


Active Member
Yea man, this site is a good source of information but the basics would be like 10 pages and honestly im too high to type shit. Hit Youtube.