I want an ounce a month and only want to grow about once or less per year?

Please can someone help to develop a cheap set up that is capable of supplying me a modest amount of weed. I use 250w CFL now and I finished my supplies so fast I can't harvest in time to keep up. What should I go for? 250w 400w or 600w hps :idea:or MH? More CFL's?

I would need to factor in good ventilation and smell control but I also own a BUDBOX 1.2mx1.2mx2m Not using it for CFL setup that would be ridiculous.

I have two large 250w CFL and reflectors which I bought before I had a brain for this sought of thing to ask? Should I use 2x CFL one blue one red in bud box? Would this give me providings of weed

Which stain would be best for bid buds and good THC high
I don't understand what you mean. You only want to harvest once a year, but have it be 12 oz so you can have a ounce a month?
If i have got this right you want to harvest once a year and get over 12oz so that you have 1oz to smoke each month.

If thats so then you might need to dish out for a 1000w HPS and keep the small CFLs for the bottom branches, pick a indica cross with sativa strain and feed canna nutes. Idealy you might need to do more than 18 ladys and that should easly get you to your goal.
Yeah but he wants 12 oz min so 18 plants will give him well over the odds and with a 1000watter he should hit his target no prob. To be honest with 18 girls you should be able to get 24 oz lol
look for perpetual grows and base your set up and schedule around there grows

have you ever grown before?
if i needed 18 ladies to get 12 zips with a 1kw.... i would call it quits.

LOL, Amen to that! XD

A 400-600 watt HPS and about 4 large plants (4 footers or so) should net you at least the 12oz's you need for the year. Bear in mind you'll need a little knowledge/skill in growing to obtain this number but it's very doable.
get a 400watter and set up a home made ebb&flo table in you budbox then run a 12-15 plant SOG striaght from clone this will get you damn near your 12 oz. Or you can do it perpetual and put in 3 plants every other week and harvest 2-3 oz every other week.
get a switchable 400 and grow 4 plants at a time in soil or hempy buckets. it's cheap, easy, and it will give you more bud than you are needing... sell a little bit of the excess to cover the costs of electricity, nutrients, and genetics.
Here, look how easy and cheap it can be. Just get a 1kw, do it once a year, no problem you can veg whatever you want big and easily reach your goal and then some.
Why go with a little 400 and grow twice a year I don't get it? Aren't you tired of not getting enough? A 1kw light can be as cheap as a 400 or nearly so why bother with little crap?

click the link below (not sure if it's showing it's a link)

Yeah but i would just use the HPS start to finish has worked for me great in the past ans still does, use the CFLs for the bottom branchin and all shouldl be fine.
Just get a 1kw, do it once a year, no problem you can veg whatever you want big and easily reach your goal and then some.
Why go with a little 400 and grow twice a year I don't get it? Aren't you tired of not getting enough? A 1kw light can be as cheap as a 400 or nearly so why bother with little crap?
Man, I would love to do this...but i worry enough about using a 600 haha.
400,600,1000 they will all be hot and you will have to vent the heat from the room the same way, so in my mind no real difference.

And 1kw is less than most portable electric heaters, hair dryers, or microwaves, so don't think it's unrealistic for any normal outlet as long as the circuit doesn't have other big stuff on it you are ok.

Run in the winter and it just offsets your heating bill.