i want a new trimmmer LIKE A TWISTER

Im in the market for a new trimmer im looking at the rolling thunder ,and twister any one have any pros and cons about them or is ther anyother style of large timmmer out there that i could buy please let me know


Well-Known Member
They beat up your buds and the finished product is never as attractive as hand trimmed weed.
I dont plan on trimming that much by hand we have alot of grow lights last harvest it cost me 15 grand to get some guys to trim from me and the took alot of my product


Well-Known Member
If you're growing that kind of weight and don't have reliable and honest help available, a machine might be your best bet.

I've never seen the one you linked to firsthand, but it looks similar to a Tumbleweed, which I've worked with. They're loud as hell and draw a lot of juice, but you can process a shitload of weed in a day.
I realy like having two tubes to feed my pruduct into all the other trimmers have one tube and so far it is the only one made in the usa i reaaly like that too .
I know a guy that knows a guy that has a tubleweed he loves it but it took 2 months to get to his door he said and i called all over trying to get a twister and they said it would be a month till they would have any in stock
they guy i talked to about the trim monster told me he could have me one in 7 days but duse to hgh demand the trimm could be back orderd two weeks pretty soon ..

So i sould probly make my mind up soon lol


Well-Known Member
From what I've seen the twista and rolling thunder work great they are actually really gentle on the buds and probably do a better job than most hand trimmers. I can get you a way better deal than $15k if you're interested :peace:
Well i just bought it they pretty much sold me on i was getting two trimmers for the price of one with there trimer i will let you guys know how well it works
they told me they did a head to head test next to the twister and tumble weed and it trimmed more than both of them at the same time


Active Member
any more news on the Twister Leaf Trimmer and the other you have?
WHats best now that you have had time to use it?


Well-Known Member
Id want to be able to fuck it and for it to make toast for fifteen grand...you could BOUGHT people to trim for you for that sorta money. Any videos of it in action?