Well-Known Member
Lets talk Big Oil. I find it strange that Biden would threaten to raise taxes on Big Oil Companies for making to much money, when in the beginning of his term, it was at the top of his list to shut down the Keystone, and lease lock domestic drilling when fuel was under $2 a gallon. Now that fuel is at record highs and only took a few cents dip in the past couple of weeks, (which he took credit for), it's back up again, and now he's back tracking saying we should do more domestic drilling?. And now he wants to take thier profits in higher taxes to do what?... "maybe" bring it down .20 cents or so? This isn't helping anybody. They earned it, they should keep it. I really think he has profit confused with revenue. You gotta spend money to make money. I don't have a problem paying $3.49 a gallon if it creates jobs. Im from a oil State. And when fuel is too cheap, and jobs aren't around, you can see it. When oil crashed (for a few opening hours briefly) to negative -$38.00 a brl, people around here were selling off all thier belongings, trading down in vehicles, homes, etc. because they didn't have jobs. Someone help me connect the dots.