I thought the Gov wanted out of the "business" ?

Beaches Compassion

Active Member
Interesting Post I just read:

I have always been under the assumption that one of the reasons the
government was repealing the Medical Marihuana PPL /DPL is that the
government wanted to get away from all business with Cannabis and put
it into the hands of Doctors and large Corporate Growers who they
would be able to tax.

Imagine my surprise when my husbands friend came to visit. It had
been a while since we had last seen him, so said "business must
be good" , to which he replied, I've picked up a government contract to
build two high security buildings in Penticton; one will be a cloning
facility and the other will be for small rooted plants. So I asked him
if he meant he had a contract with one of the new commercial grow ops
the government was implementing.
This was his response-- I have a contract with the Government of
Canada. These are Very High Tech/High Security buildings in the
Industrial Area. The one that we have already been building is a
cloning facility, I forget just how many clones he said but it was in
tens of thousands, completely hydro, they would be cloning six
different strains of cannabis. They just installed the fingerprint
recognition keypads on all doors and were about to go into production.
When this facility was completed he would be starting on the second
larger facility, where they would be growing plants up to two feet in
height, This facility would have all the same High Tech Security
features as the first. he also said that the security measures around
the loading docks was Scary, he had never seen anything like it
before. Again I asked him if he was sure this wasn't some private
corporation and he told us that it was the Government of Canada on all
his Contracts and that the agent he was dealing with the most told him
that the Government was going to make billions of dollars a year
selling these plants to commercial operations and that there were more
of these sites being built across Canada.

I have no reason not to believe (NAME HELD), he has been a friend for more
than 12 years and is a high demand contractor/builder. My husband has
done work for him in the past and he is known for the quality of his
buildings. Usually he builds multi- million dollar homes for the
Celebrity Crowd who summer in the Okanagan, or he builds the beautiful
Winery's that surround us.

What I'm wondering is; were we expecting anything of this sort?

thought the Government wanted out of this.


Well-Known Member
maybe they're going to force everyone to buy clones,plants and seeds from them
Don't know why they would need tens of thousands of them though. Obviously a good grower would just need a few and than clone his own.