I think these are ready... what say you all ???


Well-Known Member
I just need some verification, but I think it's chop time.
Seeing a bunch of amber.
Any and ALL opinions are not only welcomed, but needed.
I don't have a microscope, but put my S-6 in manual macro mode... not too shabby, right?

Thanks !
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Well-Known Member
I want to say they are done but for some reason it looks like most the pistills were killed instead of matured lol. Maybe just lack of light? If your phone has real manual mode, drop the iso, speed up the shutter and use a steady hand to take macro's. If done right you can literally see the trichomes.Screenshot_2015-12-12-08-01-45.png

Lets see what your trichomes look like. On the bud ofcours.


Well-Known Member
I agree, it's time to harvest before you get too many amber triches, for your next harvest get a magnifying instrument and watch closely as to not cut prematurely or too late, you only have a small window of opportunity and you don't want to miss it, not after all the work you put into growing such a beautiful plant. So cut, dry, cure.