I think my plants are stunted

Smith An Wes

Active Member
I have had #1 and #2 growing for about 2 weeks #3 is close to 4 weeks old



I am using a closet to grow in with 1 18" 115 watt full spectrum fluro 1 100 watt fluro and a 150 watt fluro,
they are all bagseed from some pretty good stuff not sure what they are.
the first one is the youngest and seems to be the healthiest
the second used to be bigger it shrunk or something and the bottom leaves died about a week ago and i cut them it hasnt really growed
the third one is old and not growing fast at all.

can someone help me and give me some direction , Thanks

Smith An Wes

Active Member
temp is 70 in dark 79-82 when lights are on humidity stays around 40% goes down 1 or two when lights are on goes up when there off.
never tested the ph
I haven't got a fan yet i cant find one in the stores all they have up are heaters so i open up my closet door and run my ceiling fan

lights are about 4 inches from the plants

the ventilation is pretty good there a 3 1/2" crack under my door I suppose that gives it something be better if i had a fan though , I'm just guessing it helps maybe I need to set something up?


Well-Known Member
A fan is a must for strong stem growth. Your lights should be no more then 3" away...but not having a fan is a drawback...those cfl's still get kinda hot and can burn your plant...as long as you can put your hand on top of the plant and it doesn't feel too hot on your hand your good...but get a fan ASAP. PH is also a must...too high or too low can stunt your plant, as well as lock-out vital food intake for the plant.

What soil are you using?
Do you use any nutes yet?

Having a crack under your door is not proper venting. You need to have the air circulating in and out of your grow room...otherwise it just goes "stale".

Smith An Wes

Active Member
maybe one of those little fans with the high/med/low settings duct taped to a dryer hose and pushed / taped under the door or something


Well-Known Member
I would carefully repot them into some good soil. I think you problem is the soil. I see signs of ferts as well. Did ya fertilize them? When ya repot dont give them any ferts.

Smith An Wes

Active Member
naah its some cheap ass miracle grow it came with all that the only other soil they had was just the plain black soil with perlite do you think that would work better cause i tried planting number one in it it looks pretty good and healthy thats what it is in although it was used its like a dime a pound :/


Well-Known Member
naah its some cheap ass miracle grow it came with all that the only other soil they had was just the plain black soil with perlite do you think that would work better cause i tried planting number one in it it looks pretty good and healthy thats what it is in although it was used its like a dime a pound :/
They should have organic mirical grow soil $6.00. Buy a bag of perlite $2.50 and mix it in. The problem with mg soil is that it will say feeds for 3 months. That is time release ferts. All of a sudden it releases and it burns your plants. Organic mirical grow soil is good. If thats all ya can find (black dirt) Then yea mix some perlite in it and you are good to go.

Smith An Wes

Active Member
ok thanks you have been a great help ill check around

oh and I was wondering what these could be I was thinking indica sativa mix maybe any thoughts?
that one is real dark and small so it makes me think indica but the other is bright green and big so i think sativa but the oldest one is a mix up.
they all come from the same bag you think it looks like it will be any good? or can you tell