I think i'm ready

Getting close to start my first grow....I have a rainforest aeroponics system and a aeroflo 18 system.
I plan on starting from seed and using the rainforest for seedlings and mother plants.Then i will bloom them in the aeroflo 18,in a seperate area.
I think im ready but..... Once i get some seeds to germinate do i just put them in my rainforest with no medium under some hydroton?Or just germ them in 1" rockwool cubes and let them grow through the cube? Help.....:wall:


personalty for germing, use room temp. bottled water, wet a thick paper towel with it, make sure its completly wet and damp, wrap the seeds up in it, and then place them in a dark place at room temp. wait maby 5 days, when the sprouts have leafs in the paper towel, then take them out, plant then, and put them in your thing, and water them lots, thats what i find works best


Well-Known Member
I personally use Rapid Rooter Grow Plugs. They are pretty much just ground up tree bark. They work great, I just planted 50 seeds that were about 2 years old and about 43 of them popped open. I only kept 41 though. You can probably just drop the plugs into the hydroton coral when roots start to show through the plugs.

You CAN use rock wool to germinate, but you will probably experience what is called "heaving." Meaning that when you water the cubes your seeds might "heave" up and out of their little homes. However, you are using an aeroponics system...so water would be coming from underneath...might not be an issue. I dont think that germinating in hydroton is a good idea though.