i think im gonna cut her down. Is she ready??????? plz help!!!!

i was going to ask the same question, could it be damage from under watering? or potentially hermi, there is definitely some light leakage going on.


Well-Known Member
your female plant is stressed for some reason and producing male flowers, which when viewed up close, look like little yellow bananas aka nanners.

male flowers will produce pollen, which will fertilize the female portions of the plant causing it to grow seeds.
is the verdict that i should just cut it down and start some more seeds?

ill be honest im a little antsy i made a bunch of mistakes hense the yellow tips, mediocre fullnes, nanners and some fungus gnats, but i have i plan to keep getting better

thanks so much for all the help +reps for mightymike and great lemon skunk


Well-Known Member
the longer you let it go the more likely the plant is going to produce seeds.

i say start over, all plants are an opportunity to learn to grow better (i have to do everything wrong at least once before i get it right), dont stress over it, enjoy the journey, and know that next time will be even better.

good luck!


Well-Known Member
plant could use a couple more weeks and better light. Those buds look like what I have at the bottom of my plants.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't chop it down for at least another week or two. Plus, I wouldn't chop it down early just because of a few nanners. You have already put in this much work, so I say get the most out of your plant! Looks good by the way!


Well-Known Member
I found a nanner on one of mine a few weeks ago. I picked it off and let it go! Haven't seen another yet but who knows.

I would wait it out. Maybe get in there and carefully pick them off....

Do you have other plants in the room?


Well-Known Member
The buds aren't bad, they could be bigger, but I think you will get some nice smoke. I wouldn't let it go any longer because of the nanners, you don't want a bunch of seedy bud.

Like someone said, fix your light leaks and start a new one.

Your situation right now is like a bad relationship where a person stays in it too long thinking things will get better only to come to realize they should've got out a long time ago.

Whatever you do, have fun. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can pick off the nanners and leave it a couple more weeks. The last 2 or 3 weeks is when she swells up with weight so id wait. 8-)
thanks so much guys your totally right it is a congo going on haha... cutting makes the most sense i think seeing as i know the problems i gotta fix anyways i might as well just fix the issues i know so i can figure out the next set of problems to work on haha