I think I f'ed up

So I been growing this plant is a spackle bucket outdoors all summer, its finally starting to bud (about 2 weeks in) Everything's been great, it's kinda under a birds nest and the birds pooped on it a bit, so I wanted to move the plant a little. Well apparently the roots found their way out the holes I made in the bottom of the bucket. So when I moved the bucket I tore (from what I can tell) two small roots, about 1/2 the diameter of a pencil maybe a lil smaller. Im soo pissed at myself, for messing with it. How bad u guys think this is? What should i do?


Well-Known Member
I,m not an out door grower but that doesn't sound bad I,m picturing just a couple roots as u described coming out the holes of your bucket.
Don,t beat yourself up over it , you was just trying to take care of your baby . I really doubt that will hurt it minimal at best . Thats just my 2 cents .


Well-Known Member
you'll be absolutely fine. you tore two small roots, that's not a big deal. there probably won't be any noticeable stress