I think I am really close but need some expert advice.


Active Member
Well I think that I have everything worked out and am about to pull the trigger on ordering some supplies. I want to run my scenario by you guys first to see if this sounds good. First before I get into this let me tell you I am on a medium sized budget and that is the reason why I chose cfl and HO T5 as my lighting source.

I have a 6x4 room in the basement and that is where I am going to start. I plan to put a single 8 lamp quantum bad boy T5 above the plants. My room will be covered in reflective Mylar. I also have regular fluorescents that I had laying around and plan on side mounting (2) 4 lamp fixtures on each side and filling in any dark areas with cfl's in reflective hoods.

Air flow will be (2) oscillating fans. I also have a dehumidifier.

My main question is on the nutes that's the only thing I think I need some direction on. I have read many of you use fox farm I was looking through their products and I am confused! I will be using an all organic soil mixed with bat guano and earthworm casings.

Let me know what you guys think and if you can I would appreciate any suggestions on nutes.



Active Member
id go with Earth Juice for soil.. its good stuff... im a dyna-gro fan myself... fox farms is good stuff, i wont say it isnt. be VERY VERY careful ordering your supplies. if you order it online, FIRST, take cash to the supermarket and get a prepaid visa that has NO BILLING ADDRESS. ship it to a safe location (not your grow area). ship to a friends house or somewhere that people arent going to go asking a lot of questions. if you order seeds, same thing.. go to my profile and look up my post on security.. the local drug task force breaking down my doors was not my idea of a good time... grow safe, grow smart, and damn sure dont tell people!


Active Member
if youre using cfls, make sure you get daylight bulbs (6500k) for veg and warm bulbs (2700k) for flower and place as many as you can as close to the buds you can (3-4 inches) to the plants.theres just not a lot of lumens to go around when it comes to cfls and fluoros.. you save a little money by going to home depot or lowes and getting t8 fixtures and bulbs (8 4' bulbs for about $120)


Active Member
Well I will have the quantum bad boy 8 lamp fixture with 8 6500k bulbs. The regular fluorescents are only for extra light for the sides once the canopy starts blocking light to the bottom and the cfl's are for anything else where light is needed. I plan to switch bulbs when flowering.


Active Member
the only thing about cfls and fluoros is that they are great for vegging and for maintaining mothers. my very first grow i used cfls (Feliz 125w's) and the buds just turned out too small. i bought a 600w hps light and it turned it all around... but id stick as many light bulbs in there as possible. i still use the 100w cfl 2700k bulbs in the lower portion of my flood table to get the lower leaves more light bc of how compact they are. they a great for supporting light. best of luck man..


Active Member
add me and you can pm me any questions you have.. im on here all the time at work.. (getting paid to help people grow)... i know a lot about a lot of things except for auto flowers.. never grew one


Active Member
Appreciate that. Added you. Funny you mentioned Auto Flowering plants, was just checking some of those seeds out on Attitude. It's actually tempting and possibly more efficient to grow those in my situation given that I do not have the cash for a HPS or MH at the moment. Decisions... decisions... :)