I speak


For almost a year I have popped on and off this site, grabbing information and learning. The expertise and knowledge here is astounding. I just wanted to say hi, I'm sum guy or girl just like you who is just trying to grow and consume (for my own personal use, I'm not a commercial grower) amazing weed. It has been almost 15 years since I grew a crop, so I just think I will grow 1-2 bag seed plants to get the feel for it again b4 getting really good genetics and setting up a serious grow room. Anyway...I just wanted to thank you all for being here if I have a questions. Here is some pic's of my 2 week old now....be about 3-4 more weeks and I'm gonna sex it and see if it's a keeper. The first trim went nice with four mains now sprouting. Now I don't touch it anymore and let it grow like a weed.... I do remember some things.......most importantly, n00bs like me can kill one quick with too much mothering. Happy smoking to you all !!

