I need to HARVEST but dont wanna cut her from stem?


Active Member
Hey fellow smokers I am a 1st time grower and have enclosed some pics of early flowering,the 1st 2 rows of leaves R curled round but she is still flowering.Since that pic 20% of pistils have browned/red so she seems ok,left her dry since flush,so in about 3 weeks all the pistils will be brown and I want to harvest,BUT is it possible to harvest the buds off her leaves main barches and "lob" off the top till next leaf row,after trimming all ripe bud is it possible for her to just be left to (hopefully) slowley grow after I snip all the buds off (carefully) and once Ive trimmed off my bud what time cycle should I put her on?I got her on 12/12....should I leave her on 12/12 after harvest? Please guys I really need ya help Im so proud of her: )

Seanalmighty...oh to have myself free smoke...thats the dream



Well-Known Member
r u saying u want to put her back in veg, if u want to you can switch back to 24 light and re-veg then re-flower or clone, hope that helps u m8


Well-Known Member
Yeah if you want to revert it you have to go 24 hours on with the light, but this usually takes alone time to and really stresses the plant out.


Active Member
yeh thats right fellas... after harvest I wanted to put her back into veg....so I have to put her on 24 hours under light?...(constant)?...well I just had her on window-cill 12/12 then just put her in the cupboard...so I'm gonna have to invest in a light cause the sun isnt 24 hour lol cheers fellas: )


Active Member
revegging isn't worth the time. cut clones and just keep a schedule. cut it and replace it with a clone. It will cut a lot of time out of your schedule and keep you from stressing the plant out. Wouldn't want it to hermy on you in your op. OUch that would hurt.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
i would say 5 to 6 weeks...harvesting early will be small very low potency bud...after harvest(leave all the leaves you can,especially fan leaves)...14 hours of light a day will put her back in veg shortly....go back to veg nutes...gonna need that nitrogen....go light at first...when new growth appears,then kick your lights to the veg cycle of your choice....I prefer 18/6


Active Member
yeh its been bout 2 weeks since 705 of pistols have turned brown,N the buds are MUCH bigger and 'ripe' so I plucked a fat bud off aweek ago and she was dry so I chucked her in my bong and it 'done its job' man....im pretty stoned: ) so horray to me cheers for the advice fellas happy smoking


Well-Known Member
yeh its been bout 2 weeks since 705 of pistols have turned brown,N the buds are MUCH bigger and 'ripe' so I plucked a fat bud off aweek ago and she was dry so I chucked her in my bong and it 'done its job' man....im pretty stoned: ) so horray to me cheers for the advice fellas happy smoking

Nooo dont do it! Lol. None of those buds are anywhere near "ripe", let her got a few more weeks (at least) u'l get loads more bud and if it gets u stoned now it'l rock you when its really ready!!



Active Member
wow shes's looking amazing a ickle bit like satmans's jus tiny gaps between buds,I think I may clone and jus keep doing that but isnt the potancy a bit less?anywayz thanks 4 all the replies man....I think I got about a Oz of bud 2 smoke when shes ready and the little buds will only get bigger...She will save me a load of £ and keep me away busy 4 a while: )


Active Member
London dude its cool that pic at the begining of thread was taken before the thread shes 8 weeks in2 flowering...im plucking but will leave 955 of her buds til 12-13 weeks that cool mr London?.....Up the ARSENAL!!!!: )


Active Member
London dude its cool that pic was taken before this thread she's been flowering 4 8 weeks im plucking a bit but ill leave 95% till 12-13 weeks or till the buds are pale green N nearly spittin seeds...I think I may have a Oz 2 smoke yaknow...im so chuffed itll save me £'s


Well-Known Member
yeh thats right fellas... after harvest I wanted to put her back into veg....)
It definitely can be worthwhile. yeah, 24, or lots, of constant light. just be sure to use veg lights, not flower. I use plain old fluorescent 40W.
Take pains NOT to over water. When the growth returns, water well w/balanced fert.
Put back into flower a bit after normal growth is well established.
Here's a re-veg (pic). 3-1/2z's/cured. I'm going for a third right now. Not seeing much new growth.


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Well-Known Member
London dude its cool that pic at the begining of thread was taken before the thread shes 8 weeks in2 flowering...im plucking but will leave 955 of her buds til 12-13 weeks that cool mr London?.....Up the ARSENAL!!!!: )
arsenal? Its all about chelsea mate! Lol yea thats ok with me then, il let u off!! But it might be more usefull to people to post pics of yr plant in its current state instead of severals weeks prior??



Well-Known Member
arsenal? Its all about chelsea mate! Lol yea thats ok with me then, il let u off!! But it might be more usefull to people to post pics of yr plant in its current state instead of severals weeks prior??


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cause we are the fighting cfc
and we dont give a fuck
whoever you may be
cause we are the fighting cfc