I need to get some new clientele?


Active Member
Im trying to figure out how to get rid of my dope with without going to prison. I need to get some new clients, but im paranoid about it, obviously. Thoughts? Im kicking around the idea of just buying a pre-paid and walking up to people in bars/clubs/concerts/mall/walmart/wherever and just asking total strangers straight up if they need some. Sure, your chances of getting robbed increase but i like this idea better then telling my friends/family i got dope.


Active Member
Yea dude, id rather sell to friends (family?? lol..) than random ppl on the street.. dont you watch cops? :?

Are you afraid your friends are gonna rat you out or somethin? I dont get it.. i used to just sell to people at work.. friends of theirs etc etc.. just be picky, if some dude is shady, dont give him your phone number. Always meet them somewhere.. if the only thing they have is your phone number whats it matter?

I'd be much more nervous about random people heh.. get shot over some weed..


Active Member
Yea dude, id rather sell to friends (family?? lol..) than random ppl on the street.. dont you watch cops? :?

Are you afraid your friends are gonna rat you out or somethin? I dont get it.. i used to just sell to people at work.. friends of theirs etc etc.. just be picky, if some dude is shady, dont give him your phone number. Always meet them somewhere.. if the only thing they have is your phone number whats it matter?

I'd be much more nervous about random people heh.. get shot over some weed..

My friends arent going to rat me out per se but their friends might or their friends. Itd be different if i was the middle man and i didnt have a forest of dope in my spare bedroom, but if if i get busted im looking at 1-2 in man jail dude. Thats how you get busted.

I really like the idea of selling to a few guys that have no clue who i am. Maybe meet some college kids at a frat party and tell em my name is John Smith. Tell them to call my pre paid when they need some and we'll meet in aisle 18 at walmart. Nothing less then an ounce.

I dont know.


Well-Known Member
Im kicking around the idea of just buying a pre-paid and walking up to people in bars/clubs/concerts/mall/walmart/wherever and just asking total strangers straight up if they need some.
that sounds like the quickest way to go to jail


Active Member
I think your more likely to go to prison trying to bring a few ounces of weed to walmart to meet an unknown person than selling small amounts to people you know.

Get busted selling a small amount doesn't mean they instantly get a warrant to search your house and take you away.. not everyone who sells weed is growing in their spare bedroom.. and that certainly isn't probable cause for a warrant.

If someone's going to rat you out for selling, them knowing your real name or not isn't going to matter.. when the cop tackles you at the pickup spot he won't be concerned who you are, just about the weed in your pocket that they got a tip about.. :o
Im kicking around the idea of just buying a pre-paid and walking up to people in bars/clubs/concerts/mall/walmart/wherever and just asking total strangers straight up if they need some.

That is what they do in vegas.


where do you live? i'm looking to buy, and the guy i've been getting my pot from recently charges way too much for the quantity.


Active Member
This is just retarded! You need to sell to the cops directly! Just call 911 and tell em what you got they will hook you up.lol


Active Member
Im trying to figure out how to get rid of my dope with without going to prison. I need to get some new clients, but im paranoid about it, obviously. Thoughts? Im kicking around the idea of just buying a pre-paid and walking up to people in bars/clubs/concerts/mall/walmart/wherever and just asking total strangers straight up if they need some. Sure, your chances of getting robbed increase but i like this idea better then telling my friends/family i got dope.
That is the fastest way to go to jail,all my smoke stay's in the fam and with close friends,it keep me safe,and have u tried a coop or is ur state not legal!!:-|:weed: