I need tips StealthUK


Hi i'm a first time grower living with my gran in the UK. My house is pretty much upsidedown all the bedrooms kitchen bathrooms are upstairs, the bottom floor is only used to walk through. well under that bottom floor is a basement/celler that runs the length of my house with vents in the walls that lead above ground. I was thinking of buying a grow tent and growing one or two plants depending on the space. I'm not sure how tents work exactly.I though that i could get my normal bedroom fan and with some creative ducting and run it through the hole in the bottom of the tent. Then have a real growing type fan at the top with a carbon filter. Like i said i am really new any tips on what lights i could use. My mates dad grows it in his garden and with 60watt light bulbs apparently. i was thinking of hooking up a heat lamp/bulb like the ones for lizards and snakes. i have a list of what i expect to buy so far i have costed £80 for a tent, carbon filter Bulb and cable for it. Oh and some insulated ducting because this needs to be pretty stealth. I haven't added a fan to that list but i have seen small ones for £9.99:peace:


Active Member
do not use heat light bulbs or incandecents if you go the cheap way use cfl twisty bulbs get somedaylights for veg and some cooler ones that say 2700k for bud. really just do alot of reading on here there's alot of info from very experienced growers on here.