I need sum help with hash!!!

Cannabis Cutie

Active Member
I know of a few ways to make it (the jist ) so i want to hear all the ways i can do it. then pick the bestone for my sircumstances. im livin w/ my mom an im not 'allowed' to smoke she leaves at 6 am and is back by 6pm from work evryday. Reps for the best answer


Active Member
buy a bubble bag (comes with directions) or you can use my method idk if its considerd legit but i take a huge screen and all my frosty trimings ( you can use bud to ) but you shake it on the screen for an hour or so untill you have enough keif to make how ever much you want and spritz the keif with some mist and compress it ( i usaly just roll the keif as tight as i can ) than you take that and put it in a baggie and set it over something warm and let it sit untill it is comepletely moist and take a razor nd smoke away :)


Well-Known Member
iso hash is easy ...never tried it but hear good things about it.....im saving as much trimmings and stems on a mason jar and hoping to make some iso hash


Well-Known Member
yeah the iso method is real easy all you really need is 90% iso alcohol and some nice amount of bud or trimming....dont really know how to post a link to a thread but i know one of our fellow buddys here posted a link to it from anoyher forum....let me do a bit searching and ill let you know wich page on what thread its on