I need some help from expierienced commercial growers

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
I have been resurching for months and have pages of notes and cant seem to find what i need latley on the internet so i decided to come and ask my fellow growers what they think.

i want to harvest about 70-100 lbs over a six month period and have a no limit cash star-up (money- pit lol) :mrgreen: but i need to know how many plants I will need to be accomplish this number i need to know how much room i need in a house and i am going to go old fashion soil. no hydro. so what do you guys think??? oh i will be using a plant like big bud or something with a good yield so.
need some opinionsbongsmilie thanx :confused:


Well-Known Member
you are going to need two rooms with atleast 100 plants in each, veg room and flower room, a shit load of hps lighting 600's or 1000's and defiantly a co2 release system

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
Thankyou very much and i am going to have 3 rooms 1-24hr- clones and veg 1-18/6hr- veg these will be getting ready to flower or go outside into the garden and 1-12/12hr- flowering room, i am going to use 1000W hps'S and i havent looked into a co2 system yet but i was just planning on having some awsome ass ventilation but if co2 is necessary you think then will definatly lookinto it, thanks :bong hit:


Active Member
if say each plant were to give one and a half ounces just as an example that would mean 11 plants per pound or 770 plants to get 70 pounds. even if you doubled it to 3 oz per plant you still need 385 plants to get 70 pounds.


Well-Known Member
Better rethink the NO hydro answer. If your going to get those numbers, ya better off with hydro


Well-Known Member
na grow in coco you get a stronger plant can handle the weight better, and yes co2 is like a steroid defiantly look into it, how many 1000w's per room you thinking?

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
i was thinking 1-1000watt hps per every 8 sqare feet, and ok will resurch growing in coco, but i just dont want to grow hydro and will definatly have enough space for about 500 plants (only for flowering ) also will have a veg room and a cutting room or comine (havent decided). i just am really struggling with the stain i want a good yeild with QUALITY bud and usually its one or the other, white widow is what i might go with but yield is a little low for what i want to do.

thanx for the help people
all opinions are welcome!!!


Well-Known Member
research a strain called chronic from serious seeds its pretty much for commercial growing, i think you may need more light than 1000w every 8 foot

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
ok thanx i will and i dont think so that was recomended by someone i know that used it and worked but if not them no problem for me to go ahead and mount up some more light.


Well-Known Member
yeah sounds good what ever works really, you just know with the extra light the yields will be higher

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
ok thanks i will keep that in mind i just got a equation so when i know the exact amount of space i want then i will know how many lights to buy, shit these rooms are expensive im over 70.000 so far just in getting ready and i will def have the co2 read up on it and its the shit, so they say also got about 5 strains i am buying to try and one of them is the chronic by serious seeds and mokum- pride of amsterdam and also some california skunk lol heard good things along with a few others :weed: lol, now ive been looking at hydro and i am going soil with a section of hydro and if performs WAy BETTER then i will switch, if its worth it. sounds like it might be, well thanx guy and if anyone has any suggestions please, all opinions welcome bongsmilie :hug:


Well-Known Member
look into one of those things that moves the lights around, thus giving better light penetration... ha ha, he said penetration


Well-Known Member
if you have 6 months to complete the grow you need to attempt 1 pound per plant. Grow trees man. Veg them for 2-3 months. Look into the "ebb and grow" hydroponic system. this thing will almost put you into auto-pilot on watering. each system can have a max of 48 plants. I suggest you buy two of them and buy the add ons to have 96 plants total.

Where will you dump all that soil. Hydro is the way man ;]


Well-Known Member
dont forget about ur power supply. we ran into that issue cuz most peeps dont relize a house standard room holkds about 15-20 amps max. a 1000watt lamp uses 9amps. u do the math. plus fans AC inline fans dehumidfyer heater CFLs etc. it all adds up. ull wanna run a sub panel from ur original breaker box outside and try to stick with 230v instead od 115 (saves power consumption over time) and doin everything rite the first time prevents fire. but also be aware this huge increase of power can draw attention (not exactly negative but edision might come check out the house aassuming their reader dial is bad and might discover more then that) also creful the dea can use thermal imaginign so run ur lights during the day for sure and dont cheat and skip ur dial and steal electricity. ull def bring a lot of bad attention cuz theyll catch on that mass power supply is being used sumwhere in ur block but not beijng paid and theyll come inspect everyones shit. plus its a uge fire hazard. thats how most get caight. also any one caught for cultivation 100+ plants (inlcuding clones) is minimum 5 years federal prision sentence and they will take into consideration each plant including clones was a potential "X" amount of dollars and they use that against u.) fukn lame government shit but im diggin the setup idea go big or go home. im no hydro expert but ive heard its better over time and cheaper. but soil is more forgiving and does get expensive over time but like u said money isnt an issue. id try goin with trees like the other guy mention if u can veg for a long period and get more bud sites ull can at least get 10ounces-16ounces/plant (.5 gram per watt) if u use co2 ull increase it by almost 25%
BIg bud the true straing from the US is the one ud want for commercial growing. i havent tried that other strain but maybe even do a cross or mix it up see wt performs better. i wish u best of luck! grow strong

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
I Fucking love you guys lol

thank you the info helped lol and i have been lookin more and more into ebb&flow and that system sounds to be exactly what i cant find lol so i will look into it and believe me i planed on growing trees lol +++rep brother

and you boom alsooo +++ on the rep lol i have been resurching electricity and the safest way is to pay for sure lol and i am definantly goin big or goin to jail lol no home in my equation! and the whole house will be re-wired by an electrician buddy =) 15 amps per light to be safe he says. and i think i might go with euphoria by dutch pasion i really wanted big bud untill i read a few disapointing reviews and grow journals and have smoked it and not really impressed:blsmoke:

thanx guys


Well-Known Member
hate to be negative, but i see this ending badly, very badly indeed.
comments like "how many plants" what strain" "does hydro grow way faster than soil" makes me think this guy has never done it before.

if your in soil, have you thought how your going to water your 350 odd pots?
or how your going to handle the runoff that the pots leave behind?
do you realize how much airflow your going to have to move for that many plants, how much smell your going to make, how much electricity your going to use?
most commercial growers dont grow trees as much as go SoG as far as i can tell, if your going to grow trees, how much space between plants are you going to allow?

oh yeah : a couple of growers have suggested big bud strain. it tastes like shit and is weak as piss. you may have trouble moving alot of sub quality product.

i really suggest that you grow a few 5-10 plant grows, fuck things up a few times (as we all do) and learn for yourself whats involved.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Dave ^

If you havent grown yet dont just jump into a major operation... Do the whole learning curve thing first, it will pay off in the end.


Well-Known Member
ya big bud isnt a high quality strain its more grown for mass production which would b comercial but unloading shit weed is gonna b an issue. hope the electrical tip helped. goodluck and conitnue the research.

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
yeah thanx guys and dont worry about bein negative and yeah im gonna use a custom drip system that i will make i have alot of ag. expierience and know what im doin in that area, excess drainage im goin to let just fall onto the floor no pots will touch the floor because of the roots.

yes ive thought about the listed things and have solutions and reason i asked is because i want opinions that doesnt meen i dont know what i am doing. as for strains i have a few good ones im lookin into and the 2 im really thinking about is white russian from serious and dp euphoria

also i have a couple grows already i stock pile seeds buddis give me and shit

thanx again guys