People are confused about how lights and distance works. People seem to think light gets weaker the further it travels, but that is not true, what is true is that light spreads as it travels if unrestricted. In our cases, if we line the walls with Mylar, it can only spread as far as the wall before it's reflected (98%) back. If you supply enough UVB for the space, it won't matter how far back it is. This confusion is further extended by reptile bulbs, they give a distance (unrestricted spreading) that a reptile would receive the required UVB dose with a single bulb, add Mylar and multiple bulbs and the distance becomes nearly meaningless.
Mylar reflects UVB, White does not.
Glass filters UVB greatly, so never expect UVB from a bulb with more then 1 layer of glass or from anything but an open fixutre (cooltube = no/little UVB)
Almost all modern bulbs have UVB filters on them unless a UVB warning is included in the documentation or spectrum documentation.
I would just mount them at the same height as your other lights and run them in strips between your HIDs. I run my tanning bulbs at the same height as my CMH and HPS fixtures. Run about 5w per sqft of the UVB 9.9 tanning bulbs and you will be happy with the results.