I need help!

I just transplanted my plant into a 5 gallon bucket, and as i was doing it i noticed i ran out of soil so i had to mix some other soil in with my main soil which is fox farms idk the other brand of soil but it didnt seem to bad, FIRST QUeSTION! Do you all think that it will be okay? SECOND QUESTION! while transplanting i noticed some of the roots were growing upwards is that due to me transplanting it too late? i got them covered up when i put it into the new container i was just curious. And LAST QueSTIOn! I watered it after transplant is that okay? because it hadnt been watered for some time prior to transplant (4-5 days) Im worried seeing as its my first plant lol.


Well-Known Member
the roots are just looking for moisture
your guess is as good as mine on the soil/compost
i always water after transplanting unless the compost is damp


Active Member
I just transplanted my plant into a 5 gallon bucket, and as i was doing it i noticed i ran out of soil so i had to mix some other soil in with my main soil which is fox farms idk the other brand of soil but it didnt seem to bad, FIRST QUeSTION! Do you all think that it will be okay? SECOND QUESTION! while transplanting i noticed some of the roots were growing upwards is that due to me transplanting it too late? i got them covered up when i put it into the new container i was just curious. And LAST QueSTIOn! I watered it after transplant is that okay? because it hadnt been watered for some time prior to transplant (4-5 days) Im worried seeing as its my first plant lol.
It sounds fine roots will fix themselves. Mixing soil shouldn't be a big deal people do it all the time you just get a mixture of the 2 types so could actually be beneficial depending what's in it. I watered after my transplant not too long ago and I've seen progress on growth and leaf build up. So didn't effect mine negatively. This is my first grow so all my sayings or from reading on here then the transplant one is personal experience so I'm no expert but sounds to me you will be okay. You've done nothing that can kill your plant it seems if that's what your worried about