i need help with my soil


Active Member
I am growing outdoors and am planting atleast 50 seeds but i am trying to work my way around buying all that expensive soil. can some one give me a cheap and quick mix or would i be able to just till some spots for my seeds. if there are any amendments that i should consider for the tilled areas plaese tell me. thanks dudes
Dig in to the soil look for rich black earth. If there is no good soil where your growing. Import some from another location. If there is any farm's near by manure is free if you scoop it your self. Throw dead fish in the hole's for a cheap nutrient boost.
Dig in to the soil look for rich black earth. If there is no good soil where your growing. Import some from another location. If there is any farm's near by manure is free if you scoop it your self. Throw dead fish in the hole's for a cheap nutrient boost.

you may want to avoid placing this fish in your hole. this would invite many pests to your root system.
look at the native vegetation to help you determine the pH but you almost always need some lime. it's cheap. perlite is cheap too, huge bag is usually $12 where i live.

it depends on what kind of soil you have but 9 times out of 10, every cent you put into buying good soil and proper constituents (compost, manure, perlite, etc.) will turn right into better buds.

Mix store-bought soil with the soil near you, 1:1. I wouldn't do it though, what you put into it is what you get out of it.
I was wondering what the ratio is for mixing this soil with existing "raw" soil ?

1 Bale sunshine mix #2 or promix (3.8 cu ft)
8 cups Bone Meal - phosphorus source
4 cups Blood Meal - nitrogen source
1 1/3 cups Epsom salts - magnesium source
3-4 cups dolomite lime -calcium source & pH buffering
1 tsp fritted trace elements
4 cups kelp meal.
9kg (25 lbs) bag pure worm castings

- Mix thoroughly, moisten, and let sit 1-2 weeks before use.
the bugs that fish attract will not hurt your plant, its common practice around here, ive even fed indoor plants sardines the plant turns them to dirt and roots. fish heads and guts are high in nitrogen and micro nutes
ive heard of the fish idea. sounds great and inexpensive. i also find removing dirt from another location is smart to but i will consider modifying it myself. i basically want mad fucking bud this year. even when the season is late(june to late july) i plan on planting cuttings and more seeds...
excellent tips friends

more posts please. peace
this is what soil im using outside, 2 pts miracle grow garden soil 1 pt spagnum 1 pt perlite .
farmers alminac says sept 21 , but out doors the plants around here(indiana)start sexing mid to late august because of having a long veg. period
i'm up in rochester NY. anyone know about that. can i use any kind of fish. i hear pond water is good to because of the living organisms. but i am no scientist.
i want to use worm castings but a lot of times it is not pure and is expensive, is it possible to collect lots of worms and grind em up, how much of worm castings or grounded worms should i use per plant
Place fish at leased a foot deep. To help keep from getting dug up by animals. Fish should be buried at least 2 weeks before planting. Giving it time to decompose and to see if any animals will dig it up. .....Worm castings is worm poop never heard of ground worm's for your plant's
Place fish at leased a foot deep. To help keep from getting dug up by animals. Fish should be buried at least 2 weeks before planting. Giving it time to decompose and to see if any animals will dig it up. .....Worm castings is worm poop never heard of ground worm's for your plant's

worm castings is organtic nitro 1.0.0
well dead fish work and so does worm poop, y not dead worms. just a suggestion. if cow shit is like horse shit then i'm not going to use it. ruined my buddys crop. maybe i need price ranges for some quality ammendments at any store insight. my main goal is to get 60 plants worth of organic, respectable quality, some what cheap soil. maybe a mix of soil. i need a lot of it. does anyone have any other successful remedies they'd like to share with rollitup.
keep postin
manure is great but you got t let it dry out completely. and make a soil mix with it , great organic source of nitrogen. if you have access to some dried up cow shit i would use it and forget about the fish . peace
Have you ever tried using fish? DELTA9 or any one else. I have for many years. Worked great for me when used correctly. I take clones every where I go. I can't always take a big bag of PROMIX/schultz soil. And I am an avid fisher man and grower so every time I'm fishing I'm planting. Fish are free if you catch them.