I need help with my new grow


Active Member
Plannin on usin a hydro farm megagarden its an ebb n flow the flood tray is perfect square 22"x 22" . It says it hods 15 5.5" square pots. I was thinkin i could have 15 4x4x4 rockwool cubes just placed in the tray.I didnt know if shd haveoul them in the tray in pots with hydroton, or just have the rockwool directly in the tray, and mayb with coco-tek mats underneath or what? What should i use to start the seeds in, rockwool starter blocks? im so confused. :wall: some one please give me some tips.

P.S. Anyone ever us GH Floralicious grow and bloom 2 part? if so how was it


Well-Known Member
clone in rockwool small cubes. then transplant into expanded clay pellets in 4x4 plastic baskets. if you use 4x4 cubes, they will always be wet, and your plants will die.