i Need Help plz


Active Member
whats good folks i'm a newbie kinda exp grower and got a few questions
how can i increase my yeilds ?
how can i fatten up my buds?
and i had a problem with my last plants they only budded a little like at the crown and the ends and a little bit around the part where braches came out?

and is there any way i can keep em short and fat instend of those tall plants that i usually get lol?


Well-Known Member
you gotta tell us your setup, but really you should be looking at the FAQ and other peoples grows and come with some more specific questions...too many factors with no information...


Active Member
to keep plants short and fat, try LST (LOW STRESS TRAINING) topping, fiming, suppercropping. i been using all these and they can produce some crzy bushes. i wouold mostly recommend LST, as it is the best for the plant.
just look it up in other forum other poster recommened. so much info its crzy


Well-Known Member
Short and fat.47 total 25 flower.Do the get a harvest byALBFUCT every 2 weeks.4 of those every 2 weeks is all i need.1x400mh and 1x400hps eyebulb.Vegged 21 days with 1200 watts of cfls.



Well-Known Member
Dont have the time to do one.I think i confused you.Its 8x42.42 =150w equivilent.I made a bat wing reflector around a 4 outlet bathroom fixture,then put y,s in and have 8 of the 42w daylight bulbs.Sorry about that.If you want bushy that works for me,sometimes to bushy and put them under the mh to get a little hight.Been veggin for 2 yrs in there 24/7