i need HELP!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE

my plant is at the end of 2nd week flowering...and the whole plant looks great except there are a few little leaves in the middle of the plant that is kind of curling downward...is that normal??
please help!!!


Well-Known Member
I think it should be normal the plant is putting all its straight into budding and what not. as long as its not the whole plant. keep it in control.
and make sure its still getting some nitrogen those first 2 weeks of flowering.

I could be wrong though.. im no expert (: Dont go all by me (:
dont have the cam right now sorry...yea about 3 leaves are like curling downwards...but the rest of the plant looks really healthy...i have a pic from yesterday tho u cant see what im talking about tho...but thanksCIMG1974.jpg


Well-Known Member
I was reading to see if i can find something and it could be Magnesium deficiency.. but I think that would effect the bottom first.
but like Jesus of Cannabis said, some death is normal (:



Well-Known Member
you could always water with some epsom salt. I dont think it would hurt it if its not a deficiency


Well-Known Member
Yea you should only feed when the plant looks like it need food. like if you are feeding every watering, do it every other watering now


Well-Known Member
I know OG kush yeilds a lot. But most plants can yeild a lot if you do some LST and topping/fimming.


Well-Known Member
looks like just a lil to much nitrogen...nothig to worry about though, just cut out some nitrogen in the feedings.


Well-Known Member
I honestly dont know too much about yeilds and such,
Id really like to see if anyone can tell you what you can get
and how they got that number (: