I need help here


I have a crazy ideal and I want to do a setup with my lights were I use a 12 volt car battery and have it connect to a 400 watt power convertor. And for my battery where it will get its charge from will be a battery charger which will be pluged into the wall. I figure it will cost me less money to run a battery charger rather than running a hps for 12 hours a day. And my power convertor says that it could power up a t.v no problem. And the reason I want to do it this way is because I don't want the electric company seeing a spike in my bill. So does anybody think this will work?


Active Member
yeah it will work if ur power converter will power ur lights... i have 150 watt converter and it says it can run a laptop,but thats a lie.. it can only charge my pc not run it


yeah it will work if ur power converter will power ur lights... i have 150 watt converter and it says it can run a laptop,but thats a lie.. it can only charge my pc not run it
Ok my convertor says that is powers up to 3.48 amps and it also says 400 watts. How many lights do u think I can power off of the 3.48 amps?


Well-Known Member
Man if it is just a 400 watt dont sweat it. I am sure you have more than 4 reg lights in your house. That 400 will not cause any attention.


Well-Known Member
Quite possibly the dumbest thing I have read in a forum, next to the guy that wanted tO know how to germinate his clones.

Energy is lost through transmission and when it changes states. Those fundamental laws of physics are such a bitch when your trying to grow weed dude.


Active Member
Yeah, don't sweat a 400w light - its not going to use enough power to draw any attention to you. My garage has 6 regular bulbs that are 100w each...if I leave those on, that takes 600w just for those! Nobody is going to think anything of 400watts, so why bother with all the hassle of a battery and converter?


Yeah, don't sweat a 400w light - its not going to use enough power to draw any attention to you. My garage has 6 regular bulbs that are 100w each...if I leave those on, that takes 600w just for those! Nobody is going to think anything of 400watts, so why bother with all the hassle of a battery and converter?
Yea your right. Its just my wife accused me of the electric bill going up because I was growing one plant with several cfl's and my bill went up $60 and she think's its because my lights. I tried to show her on the bill that they do estimates and they showed on the bill the right reading from the meter and they were wrong on their caculation so they charged us for that extra amount and I told her that's what happens some times but she don't belive me but u are right it doesen't take much power and it won't show a great amount on my electric bill


Well-Known Member
You will use more power than if you just plugged the light in. The battery charger will use more than 400 watts to recharge the battery unless its 100% efficient and as far as i know NOTHING is 100% efficient.a 400 watt light is NOT going to set off any alarms down at the power company, You wouldn't be this paranoid if you just bought a new gaming computer would you? ( 600 watts +)


Well-Known Member
bro if you do this properly with a hps the money u make back will be 10 fold the spike in power ,tell that to the missus. Dont like the sound of your dodgy plan.