I need help cloning


I don't see the dome. From what I've seen and done, they need humidity. Spray them a few times a day as well as the dome. I had one looking like that and it's fine now after putting it in soil. It did have roots though.
I was using a humidity dome but they were yellowing up reallllly fast so my local hydro store suggested some stuff called vita grow and i used it on some other clones and it seemed to work quite well at retaining moisture and there was a lot less yellowing.
perhaps a humidity dome on them as well would be good? or would it too much moisture harm the clone?
i"ve been giving them a tiny dose of super thrive as well. which helped from the looks of it.

the red tray has clones that were dipped in vita grow and the black tray had the humidity dome on them.


I was using a humidity dome but they were yellowing up reallllly fast so my local hydro store suggested some stuff called vita grow and i used it on some other clones and it seemed to work quite well at retaining moisture and there was a lot less yellowing.
perhaps a humidity dome on them as well would be good? or would it too much moisture harm the clone?
i"ve been giving them a tiny dose of super thrive as well. which helped from the looks of it.

the red tray has clones that were dipped in vita grow and the black tray had the humidity dome on them.
yeah go with the humidity dome, and to test if they can handle it without the dome, give them half an hour, if they start to wilt then put the dome back on. some links to help.. http://forum.grasscity.com/absolute-beginners/24559-some-dos-some-donts.html /

http://www.buzzle.com/articles/cloning-plants-how-to-clone-plants.html /



I never had much luck cloning in rockwool with a dome. Every time I would get mould as I could only attend to them once a day and the dome had no breather holes.

Just a couple of suggestions…
Firstly looks like you have the remnants of previous grows in your tray or at least residual salts in the bottom, this might suggest less than a clean environment. It needs to be as clean as possible, the environment you need for clones is perfect for fungus and moulds to flourish so always bleach clean between attempts.

I find if the leaves touch anything they will start to look like yours. Other clones, the bottom or sides of the trays or anything else they can touch allows moisture built up and the leaves start dying.

You have too much light IMHO. Unless they already have roots then limit the light they have. I use only two 4’ tubes during cloning – this does 30 clones in a small area, just enough light to let them know where it is, not enough to grow from. You want to promote root growth only.

I notice you have a couple being supported – don’t use skewer sticks…ever… I lost 40 clones once to a weird black spotty fungus which grew from the skewer sticks I used to support the clones. It grew within a day and was impossible to get rid of. Use something that’s not porous, nothing wooden, bamboo or fibrous – you don’t know where that has been or what nasties they can have in them.

It is very easy to burn clones if you foliar feed with nutes or additives. They shouldn’t need anything until they have roots besides lots of moisture.

It is very dry in there, you need to keep some water in the bottom of the tray, not much just enough to keep the humidity up and stop the area drying out. - If you use a heat mat then you need water in the bottom of the tray or it will get too hot - make sure the heat mat isn't too hot or you will slowly cook the clones.

Try mild H2O2, Ph’d low ppm water to hydrate with. The H2O2 really helps stave off nasties and ensures O2 is available for the roots when it they come through.

Use your nose, if it smells musty or ‘old’ then more fresh air is needed under the dome. You can smell mould before you can see it.

I have a bunch of deformed clones which I saved recently, looked worse than yours and had signs of mould. They are 3’ tall now and look like there was never a problem. The leaves you have now will not recover but new growth will take over after the roots come on, just keep them going till the roots come through then you’ll be fine.
wow thanks a lot for all the info.
i will work on some of those things and keep trying. thanks a lot rollitup.
ill post if i have any success or further hiccups.