I need assistance!!!


Active Member
:? I need the assistance of a few MASTER GROWERS!!!!!!! I am nearing the end of my first grow and I need help. I planted a seed on 3-8-08, and it is (from all pictures i've seen) a Midnight Oil. She's in an 8in.X8in.X6in. plastic pot with off the shelf potting soil. She's flowering for 6wks, and is approx. 10in.tall. I do not lnow what I did wrong,, or IF i did anything wrong. she has pretty white and red thresds on her kolas and her ovaries are pronounced. but she's only 10in. tall. I'm growing under cfl's and the grow space is sufficient to grow larger plants but this one is what I have. I have made the usual noob oooopps's with water and nutes but she is still healthy and apparently doing well, but only 10inches tall with about 20-30 beautiful flowers throughout the plant. all showing small (?)crystaline(?) dots allover the colored threads and the leaves within the kola. I assume that these are the resin glands produceing their proper materials. there is NO ODOR to this little girl and this is a point of worry , since everyone says the odor is so bad that one needs carbon filters to compensate.. so ther lies my conundrum. I am not attached to any law enforcement agency nor do I wish to harsh anyones buzz. I just plain ,, need help. I want to harvest at least a few good heads to fry and at this time I don't think this is going to happen. Any and all usefull tips will be tried. Thanks for your attention, Mick:peace::joint:
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Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Just a slow plant. I get them from time to time, clones slow, seed slow and veg slow, I first try Amino Aid give them about 10 days and if I don't see a change I pull the lil F&@^rs. Poop happens and as for the smell No worrys just wait for the high.


Well-Known Member
some plants dont give off as much smell as others its just bad genetics
or god genetics if you looks at it that way...