I might have fucked up


Active Member
I always put my seeds in a cup of water for 24 hours before putting them between 2 wet paper towels. And it has always worked. Yesterday I got my seeds from Attitude and I got all excited and skipped the 24 hr cup of water and went straight for the paper towels without even thinking about it. The only time I had a problem with seeds germing is when I skipped the 24 hr deal. Does anyone else not soak their beans, and thinks I'm trippin for no reason.???
I have a friend that germs his seeds that way, but the majority of people I've came across on here usaully do as you have done and so I see no Fuck Ups yet on your part, so you OK. Have they germed yet? If not how long has it been?
I have a friend that germs his seeds that way, but the majority of people I've came across on here usaully do as you have done and so I see no Fuck Ups yet on your part, so you OK. Have they germed yet? If not how long has it been?

I started them last night. Just got 'em in the mail yesterday :mrgreen:
I am pretty new to growing but I have several friends helping me as I go. They all suggested the wet paper towel in a ziploc bag set in a cake pan on top of the fridge.

Worked like a champ!
i put mine 1 qarter inch deep in seed soiI. water with bottIe water onIy, keep temp. 72 to 80 F. 3 days ,up 95% germ. rate been doin it Iike that 10 yrs... but since you done started Ieave them aIone....... keep in the dark area ,kept moist , chk on them every 24 hrs . Iight reduces germ . rate...period...
Potting soil in a pot, 3 days and I see sprouts, why mess with paper towels ?
i just started germin some nyc diesel today. i just ph'd some well water, let it get to room temp and put the seeds between two napkins in between two dishes

you should be fine dude
Potting soil in a pot, 3 days and I see sprouts, why mess with paper towels ?
same here ,i dont get it, ed rosenthaI,(pro cash cropper) says thats the worse way to germ.to many ifs invoIved for kiIIing it , some use faucet water , not thinkin , and put it between paper toweI... i dont get it.
i just started germin some nyc diesel today. i just ph'd some well water, let it get to room temp and put the seeds between two napkins in between two dishes

you should be fine dude
i wanna try that ny dieseI, rhino seeds has those for 110.00 for ten , thats the best i've seen ,and thier in stok . i've ordered from them probabIy 20 times or more.untiI attitude recent orders.
yes i start all veg. seeds right in soil, but i learned years ago the paper towel method for canabis seeds and have great luck with it so thats what i always do.next year im gonna try it both ways and see how i make out. imo soil would be better due to the fact that you dont have to touch it to plant it after germ or if it grows into the paper towel could mean death.
Now I can change it to,

Put soil in pot
Water soil
Dump out excess water
Plant seed in woil
Watch seed sprout in 3 days

Why waste time putting it in a paper towel when it can be off and growing with no stress from handling in 3 days ? Plus I've always read the more stress the plant goes thru the more chances it has to become a male.