i may purp if....(bagseed mainly yet all)

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
first up i point out bagseed because one is not sure what they are working with as far as genetics and liniage, only the sack it came out of. yet even with good genetics one will experience different phenos. the better the breeding/breeder the more consistant the phenos which means more identical and less fraternal twins:bigjoint:

i believe have a strong idea how to tell if ur plant will purp up. i support this lightly with 2 strains and 3 phenos. the 1st strain was bagseed, 1 mother cloned and harvested off of twice(sog). it started to purp'd up 4 days prior week 8 but i had to harvest early. in veg, on all its main and older fan leaves it had a purple stripe on top from stem to fingers. when it was topped it would release a purple liquid.:idea:

now i have 10 clones, 2 different phenos of some black queen(WWxBlack zombie) which SHOULD be a purple/black strain. pheno1 is all green, and so is pheno2 but 2 has a purple stripe beginning from under where the main stem and fan leave stems meet and fade as it extends down and up the stems.

this is what im basing my assumption on. if anyone can prove me wrong or right then i would love to hear it because i cant grow that many to make a respectable analysis. just food for thought:rolleyes: