I love the titles!!


Well-Known Member
Having been on here for just over a month (ish, damn if I remember that far back! lol) I actually didn't notice the 'post titles' until around my 65th post. Ok duh, most of the time we're on here we have already imbibed, but anyhow, I am very impressed wiith whomever thought up this 'leveling up'. Being an avid old-school (dice/paper) rpg'er, it really made an impression on me. so KUDOS to the genius(s) who thought this out. The reason I write is, I'd wondered what would happen at my 420th post. Very Kewl!! I thank thee, have a blunt (or 2) on me, kind sirs, or ma'am's. oh, I also like this site, having cruised around on the 'BBS' as the web used to be called, anyhow having surfged for a weed site since the late 80's, I must say that this is the most informative, and friendly site I'd visited. one can meet people from theworld over, and find the different strains that are being made as we speak...shit, I gotta' quit smokin' then writin'...sorry all:mrgreen:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol BBs huh you are old school.I havent thought about dialing up a bbs in years.makes you think about red boxes and black boxes and home made cable descramblers and telenet hack..ahhh the good old days.remeber Credit card generators lol fun times


Well-Known Member
computer! 'course, we had to go down into the printout room downstairs to see our results, ah the good ol' days
back then it was tougher to find a weed-friendly site online especially with my 600 baud modem! and my dot-matrix printer tape drives, ok, I'm losing it
anyhow, yeah I'm pushing the 50 mark in a couple of years, and I still run a gamingsession every other sunday, hence the too-often slips into olde english and shit like that. That 'gnome' reference and crap doesn't really belong on a weed site, but I read the and I don;'t have another name for it, street language (and I don't mean curses, but slang like jive, hip, other stuff) awright, fuck it, I must be old, shit I'm my dad!......N-N-O-O!