i just wanna share my passion with the passionate


hi everyone!
i live in SD, im growing outside..
just wanted to share my grow cause i cant really share this with other people..
i got a female hogs breath seed from a friend i buy from.. and i got it going!(may/june)
went to san fran shortly after and stopped by this weed farm in santa barbara a friend works at.. (june)
(dont worry, i had a friend dogsitting and he kept my seedling moist while i was up north)
i scored +100 seeds from that friend.. male/female mixed.. random strains.. total hippie commune..
i have 12 total going.. some growing with more rigor than others.. again random strains..
hogs breath has already started showed her sex since she started earlier.. shes a female seed..
and as for the other 11.. looking good.. but.. need to identify the males and destroy..
all of them are topped by the way.. i need them to stay small and bushy.. so i confined the shit out of their space..
i worry about neighbors.. etc.. someone down down my street just got raided with +200 plants in their house growing in erry room i think!
closer to the SDSU campus.. crazay!! using BT and azamax.. i hate all bugs on my babies..
and.. i didnt want to wait for a yellow sign to tell me they needed their nutes, but hey.. what the heck..
at least i know what they want :rolleyes: plus! im the type who would rather keep the nutes low instead of too high..
but hooray! i gave the nutes today!!.. they should be back to green soon.. they eat like monsters really..
trying to hide it with other fruits and veggies as you can see.. they grow faster than everything else though!! fn weeds..!
hope this was worth a look! im watching a miracle happen.. they love the sun so much!



Active Member
Nice location nothing beats just a nice lowkey at your home garden kinda grow i`m in a flat now so not that lucky anymore but used to grow plently in my parents garden and they`d allow me and shit got lank liberal xD . Gettng own house december so it`s all good your plants are looking awesome the main big bushes look like indicas fat leaves is nice to see i mainly just grew sativa`s outdoor as it gets realy hot here . Cheers goodluck keen to see how they bud .


3 girls.. 3 boys so far.. waiting for more to show!.. and check out my sunflowers!.. they really do grow tall :-P



i have 6 females.. no more males now.. heres some recent..

