I just made a realization.. (Weed + Guns)


Active Member
I've lately been reading up on the never ending debate concerning our second amendment right and came across an interesting thought. Call it conspiracy, but, if marijuana were legalized (on a federal level), this would mean two things: 1) Criminal enterprise would be at an all time low. 2) People who partake would find their mental enlightenment, thus, becoming free-thinkers. I feel that the government doesn't want marijuana legal for these reasons. The more criminal activity, the more the middle class will feel afraid, meaning the government would have more power, leading to the ultimate fact that they can take away our right to bear arms. I never thought these two topics would mesh... but isn't it possible? Could our efforts to make a safe, taxed, and regulated substance be for nothing?

Food for thought,


Well-Known Member
If I know the criminal element... NOTHING will stop them from doing illegal schtick.
Lets say we ban tomatoes.. guess who is gonna sell em??

do not let Gov know you have the ability to think... play dumb nod your head move along sir nothing to see here.. or over there or over there....


Well-Known Member
if marijuana were legalized (on a federal level), this would mean two things: 1) Criminal enterprise would be at an all time low.
I had no idea that most criminal enterprises exclusively dealt with MJ and never touched any of those bad drugs like heroin, cocaine, meth, stolen pharmaceuticals, and so on.


Active Member
I had no idea that most criminal enterprises exclusively dealt with MJ and never touched any of those bad drugs like heroin, cocaine, meth, stolen pharmaceuticals, and so on.
I said it would be at an all time low. Not completely abolished. Take the Mexican Cartel for instance, they make MOST of their profits from trafficked marijuana, thus fueling their ability to export more drugs. Not to mention the increased revenue supplies them with more guns (which they have received guns from our government as well)...


Well-Known Member
Think of it this way, if we lived in a society where guns never existed and yet everything else was the same, we would have headlines like "Man bludgeoned to death by frozen gourd" or "Wife kills husband with apron string" and "Kids at play turns lethal as lollipop stick becomes makeshift shiv".

Humans are violent by nature.


Well-Known Member
According to Wikipedia (as reliable a source as you or anyone posting here), "nearly half" of the Mexican Cartel's profits come from cannabis. So, sure, cutting that our would put crime at an all time low. But we would still be left with plenty of crime.

I've mentioned it in other threads, but it fits here too - I strongly suggest watching Breaking the Taboo - an excellent documentary about the War on Drugs (and not just the War on Weed).

And if you think it is a government conspiracy, consider who all really profits from keeping drugs illegal and how much lobbying money is opposed to legalization.


Well-Known Member
And im sure there would still be a lot of underthe radar marijuana selling through the cartel still because there prices would prob be cheaper than the fed gov prices


Active Member
I've seen that documentary, actually. I have seen every one that I could find.. :P The original post was not intended to be a suggestion that crime would stop at all. But that the government doesn't want it to stop because, our fear equals their control. This was purely a thought of the top of my head and was asking what others thought.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Think of it this way, if we lived in a society where guns never existed and yet everything else was the same, we would have headlines like "Man bludgeoned to death by frozen gourd" or "Wife kills husband with apron string" and "Kids at play turns lethal as lollipop stick becomes makeshift shiv".

Humans are violent by nature.
I think your previous avitar suited you better Mr. Spicoli.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I was thinking the same thing GW.
I can't seem to get any animated gifs to work in my avi or sig, everything else this site offers works but that, mind you it's not a big issue.
The Gif Avi's distract me from the subject at hand and quite often I'll jus . . . . Oh look, something shiny.


Well-Known Member
I've seen that documentary, actually. I have seen every one that I could find.. :P The original post was not intended to be a suggestion that crime would stop at all. But that the government doesn't want it to stop because, our fear equals their control. This was purely a thought of the top of my head and was asking what others thought.
What I think is that the government is too fucked up to manage all these conspiracies people attribute to them.

Again, I believe there is a lot of profit to be made by keeping drugs illegal and not just by the "criminals". What happens to America's massive privatized industry is crime drops to an all time low? What happens to the NRA trying to put more guns into the hands of the good guys to fight the bad guys when bad guys are on a serious decline? Some people (like myself) choose weed over booze. Do you think the mass producers of flavored alcoholic water and corn liquor want more people to make the same choice? Many people choose MMJ over any number of prescriptions - how can big pharma be happy about that?

There is tons of money to be made in the illegal drug trade. And there is tons more by keeping it illegal. Throw in a few old white guys and church ladies that believe Reefer Madness is all based on fact and there you have it. No conspiracy - just a lot of really big money afraid of legal MJ/drugs.


New Member
Many people choose MMJ over any number of prescriptions - how can big pharma be happy about that?

They would be very happy....

They would just start up their own mj facilities.

And they have the money to have better facilities' than your average joe.

Enough to afford proper R&D.

You wouldn't see them on a message board posting "is flushing myth?!?!?! DERP!".

That's capitalism for ya'...


Active Member
Well, yeah. I guess it would be foolish to believe that our government has the peoples' best interest at heart. They just keep fucking themselves further into debt. But, who cares right? Let the next generation deal with it.