i honestly feel dumb as hell for asking this but..


Active Member
very stupid question but any way here we go lol.

so once i switch to 12/12 i immediately change out my bulbs to 2700k?


Well-Known Member
Nope, give them a couple weeks to really start the flowering process then switch, and keep some 6500's to have a full spectrum id go like 2 2700k's for every 1 6500k or something like that, I assume your using cfl
You should wait two weeks - the plant will do a lot of growing after the switch, and if you switch spectrums immediately, there will be a fair amount of stretch. Keeping on the daylight spectrum will help your plants develop stronger branches before it focuses in on flowering.


Active Member
another dumb question -- what's the best initial lighting schedule for photoperiod plants? 18/6?

is there anything proven to work better than that?


Well-Known Member
another dumb question -- what's the best initial lighting schedule for photoperiod plants? 18/6?

is there anything proven to work better than that?
IMO- Short Day Plants 18/6 Veg
Long Day Plants 24/0 or 18/6


Active Member
another dumb question -- what's the best initial lighting schedule for photoperiod plants? 18/6?

is there anything proven to work better than that?
it does matter.. lol i thought it didnt at 1st but it does. 18/6 you will get a taller skinner plant IMO while going lets say 24/0 or 20/4 you will get a shorter bushier plant :D its up 2 u


Well-Known Member
A lot of jaded folk would yell at you and tell you to google it, however I am a firm believer of asking those I trust and I would say that a lot of people in this community are willing to help no matter what the question. Some just don't have the time to link you to the all the different sites with the information you need.

I like to keep my plants 24/0 , not sure if there is any real hardcore proof but my plants seemed to be taller when you give them time to sleep.


Well-Known Member
A lot of jaded folk would yell at you and tell you to google it, however I am a firm believer of asking those I trust and I would say that a lot of people in this community are willing to help no matter what the question. Some just don't have the time to link you to the all the different sites with the information you need.

I like to keep my plants 24/0 , not sure if there is any real hardcore proof but my plants seemed to be taller when you give them time to sleep.

actually i noticed that my plants are taller with rest too.. i have a clone of my flowering plant and have had her on 20/4 24/0 for the past 2 months, turning the light off when i remember and she is tied down as well and only seems to be getting bushier, not taller and her mother is a lot taller and she was on 18/6. pretty neat!!


Well-Known Member
I like a 20/4 cycle myself, any where from 18/6 - 24/0 is the norm everyone has there own preference. I think the more intense the light is during the day the longer the dark cycle needs to be but that's an opinion ive formed on my own and really have no science to back it up with. I wouldn't ever go lower then 18/6 though regardless of what your using. All light cycles work pretty much the same from what ive seen


Well-Known Member
A plant in vegetative stage does not need darkness to grow. Sooo, if you can veg for 24 hours do that, if you can't for various reasons 18/6 or 16/8 are fine. I use 16/8 because quite honestly I don't notice much difference between two hours and I don't want to run my power bill up running a 400w 24/7 for 30+ days.


Well-Known Member
another dumb question -- what's the best initial lighting schedule for photoperiod plants? 18/6?

is there anything proven to work better than that?
Depends if you like paying electricity or not. Only thing I have on 24/0 is seedlings and new clones. Veg is 18/6

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
I use 16/8 because quite honestly I don't notice much difference between two hours and I don't want to run my power bill up running a 400w 24/7 for 30+ days.
I use T5's for veg, it's cheaper and more effective for veg IMO.

Nonetheless, I'm looking at experimenting with LED's for veg, cheaper still.

And if they work for veg, I'll experiment with flowering in a dim corner of my 400 watt HPS flowering tent.

I started out vegging at 24/0 but found this a little harsh on the plants, so switched to 18/6 and have pretty much stuck to that ever since.


Well-Known Member
You should wait two weeks - the plant will do a lot of growing after the switch, and if you switch spectrums immediately, there will be a fair amount of stretch. Keeping on the daylight spectrum will help your plants develop stronger branches before it focuses in on flowering.
I have never heard this before. I'm going to research this, but before I do, is this personal experience or can do you have any citings? I can't fathom how or why this is possible, but it is worth looking at.


Herb Man

Well-Known Member
I have never heard this before. I'm going to research this, but before I do, is this personal experience or can do you have any citings? I can't fathom how or why this is possible, but it is worth looking at.


I have never heard it before either although I can see certain logic to it.

If the plant takes around two weeks after switching to 12/12 to start producing flower buds then I can see the logic in leaving the vegging lights in since the plant is still growing and growing new vegetation.


Well-Known Member
I have dun 24/0. 20/4 18/6.then I had a look at a post by uncle Ben on lighting 24/0,so now I stick to 18/6.
its up to you,24/0 is not good for your plants or your bill .