I have this theory about where you were the first time you got high and how that effects your interests. If you got a min help me out.


Well-Known Member
So the theory goes that wherever you were or whatever you were doing the first time you felt that high will end up being a very special thing in your life. Possibly a favorite hobby, a career a frame of mind, a place that makes you feel whole. For instance, I was in the woods, now my favorite place to be is in the woods. I feel good when I'm surrounded my trees. A good friend was baking and told me once the first time he felt the high was as he opened the oven to check his food. He's now an amazing chef who works at fancy restaurants. Another buddy was in his garage tinkering on his car. He's now a mechanic.

I'd love to see if this theory holds water. If anyone reads this and wants to chime in with their experiences, either confirming or denying the theory I'll make a right study of it. Thanks guys.
Perhaps you were in the woods because that was your favorite place to be before then also? :shock:
It was the only place to go. But yeah I already loved it. That spot we got high at overlooked the whole valley we lived in. It was beautiful. I used to take chicks up there and try to get laid. It worked once, but having sex on a blanket in the woods isn't the most comfortable thing. We actually took it back to my house and my mom straight up busted open my bedroom door and made the girl leave. We didn't even barely get back into it. It was super embarrassing and she never talked to me again. The girl, not my mom.
It was the only place to go. But yeah I already loved it. That spot we got high at overlooked the whole valley we lived in. It was beautiful. I used to take chicks up there and try to get laid. It worked once, but having sex on a blanket in the woods isn't the most comfortable thing. We actually took it back to my house and my mom straight up busted open my bedroom door and made the girl leave. We didn't even barely get back into it. It was super embarrassing and she never talked to me again. The girl, not my mom.

Should've kicked your mom in the dick