I have alot to learn about growing and i need help!!!


Active Member
Ok i need help knowing when it is the right time when to plant, If its male or female, and what is the best soil to use!! So any and all info is needed to help me out. i desided to start growin cuz im sick of gettin it from other people and all the trouble i have to go though just to get my fix. so if you can help me out please do.


Active Member
well as soon as you start seein flowers & shit blooming that'll be about the perfect time to start planting!
if your planting a bunch of seeds you need to make sure to take out the males as soon as possible
another way to tell the gender of the plant besides the leaves are the lil pollen balls that will form an the males
as soon as you see the pollen balls take that shit out!
if your growin outdoors find the perfect spot & break up the dirt with a shovel, then mix in you selected type of soil, & add water
after your spot is all fixed up pull back a layer of dirt and spread your seeds
then lay that layer back over your seeds and lightly pat it down
you shit wont sprout for about a week or so,
so dont get discouraged if they dont pop up right away


:weed:I am a first time grower too.... After surfing the web for awhile and studying up on how to grow i came across a pretty good idea i plan to put into action this late march early april (planting season). Go to home depot and buy a couple 5 gallon containers. Get a drill with a 1/2 half drill bit and drill a hole in the bottom of the bucket. Then fill the bottom with 2 inches of rocks for drainage and put your soil mix on top. Before you use the 5 gallon bucket though you should prolly plant in a small pot for about 4 weeks..... Then transplant to the 5 gallon bucket. There are many books at your local book store on growing that have very good guides on telling the sex of your plant. Also google has some good guides too. Oh yea this idea is if your growing outside...sorry about the long post


Well-Known Member
Dude if i think u should just get some female beans from the start and do a coco grow. Get some hydro nutes and water it just like soil and every 3 watering flush with plain water. This way ull avoid nute problems, ph problems, sexing issues, etc.. And if any medium related problems do occur flush, check your nutes and feed it again. Coco is a blank slate it has no nutrients in it which kinda makes it easier to trouble shoot.