I have a problem with my 400w reflector,NEED HELP


Well-Known Member
i have 3 reflectors in my growroom,2 400w and 1 600w,i got this ballast out of the hood so it wouldnt release heat in the flowering room had this done on the 600w also the other 400w i left intact i use it for the mothers so its not a problem,every day i get to check on the flowering plants soon as the light come on the 600w works but the 400w doesnt start so i have to take it of and then it starts,why is this is the ballast to far away,i did cut the cable shorter now its about 4 feet is this to long again.any advice much appreciated



Well-Known Member
i did that ,and then i sent it to an electrician,i dont get it soon as i put it down from the chain and then plug it in it starts,is it possible that the distance between the ballast and the ligh is the couse