i have a gnat problem!!!...


my soil is crawling with gnats, i heard put a container of apple vinegar in there and they attract to it but no luck yet, wat are some home remedies i can use to get rid of these little fuckers.........:wall:


Well-Known Member
sand over the top of your pots
Potatoe pieces for the larvae to be attracted to.
Yellow sticky traps

Take a 2 litre bottle cut the top off and keep for later.

Add 1 cup apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup of sugar and fill with water.

Place the top you cut off upside down inside the bottle may need to tape it to stop it from falling in.

You want about an inch gap between the upside down top and the top of the water vinegar mix in the bottle.

This way gnats are attracked to the smell and cant get out.



Well-Known Member
Personally if it was me and i had just bought it i would take that shit back and demand a refund.

You want something sterile.

Try COCO COIR its real easy to use just like soil if you want it to be thats how i grow.



where would i get COCO COIR, its not at walmart and i need to find some gardening stores around here, do alot of places have it or just certain places, could i get it at lowes or something???