I guess she is not going to make it [day 5 pics after shock]

I did something very stupid.. I damaged the roots of my biggest female...This was about 5 days ago. I had watered and gone for a holiday hoping that she would make it when I get back. This is what I found.20120821_213214.jpg20120821_213221 (Custom).jpg20120821_213228 (Custom).jpg20120821_213239 (Custom).jpg20120821_213244 (Custom).jpg20120821_213250 (Custom).jpg20120821_213256.jpgShe is probably worse looking thant what she was 4 days ago.. Here are the pics of her historyhttps://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/554237-she-dead-pics-2.html#post7869957Please tell me if I should stop worrying about her and just let it go, or keep praying.. Im really very stressed :( :(One of my best females and I fucked her up bad...


Active Member
Sorry man but she's a goner. we've all had this happen(well most of us).start again and don't loose the faith.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Where there's green there's hope, BUT, the time it would take to recover and finish would be longer than starting over.

Bummer, better luck next time.
look is the same. if she is truly dead, what are the signs to look for? Leaves are green and brown all drooping but not fallen off... when dry give a grassy odour.. main stem and lower branches seem elastic and sturdy. plant drooping from top, held up by stake...

I am going to try till the end.. dont wanna give up so easy...

What are the best conditions to provide her for making a last ditch effort? (humidity, temp, watering, misting, lighy schedule, light intensity, etc)

btw lesson learnt: never cut roots, even if root bound.. just put it in a new pot as is. maybe loosen roots gently.. but NEVER cut em, no matter whatever dumbass guides on the net say.. in my case I got screwed by the "repotting for dummies" guide found online.