i got a quistion about litle flyes in my soil


Well-Known Member
Those lil bastards suck. I see this alot with many peoples grow watch this. Your soil is wet most the time.... At first no problems.... I noticed a couple of them and tried to kill them.... Then they double in numbers.... LoL. All you have to do is let the soils first inch of dirt dry up completely and like magic they will disappear. They are a type of gnat. They lie eggs in wet soil but die very easy with no water to hatch them.


Active Member
so if i let it sit fore 4-5 days they will go away, do they stunt you crop, they dont show till i water?


Well-Known Member
Are you using a fan to circulate air on the underside of your plants? This could help in flushing the little fuckers out of your soil as well? Just a thought.


Hey, you need to head to your local hydroponic store and pick up some NEMATODES. Most hydro stores have them, they are stored in the fridge because they are a living organism. What they do is, hangout in your soil and eat the eggs that are being laid by the bugs. It takes a few days to thin out the numbers because your killing off the incoming wave of bugs. Nematodes combined with yellow sticky traps should control your problem if not eliminate it.

Try and add them the day you get them. Mix them with non-chloro(or reg if you don't have access), p-Hed water.