I followed your advice, looked great yesterday, but today looks burned?


Sorry it's indicakat again, I apologize if I'm driving you nuts, but I have followed all your advice and the seeding looked beautiful yesterday,I gave it a little clonex solution with reverses osmosis at quarter strength. This seedling is three weeks old, it was not growing! I have it under Cfl kelvin sylvania 6500 that throws 100 watts, is this because I added too much nutrients or do I have the light, which if have extremely close, right under it, is it light burn,this is kind of a tester, I'm starting my good seedlings in dwc, thank yo for the person that laid out the how tos with growing with cfls,I am from Cali, near Mendocino and this is my first indoor grow, I have Afghani # 1 and master Kush in rock wool cubes, under a t5 fluorescent, this is kind of practice before I put the cubes in the two stealth hydro set ups I bought. Still not due about what to do when the time comes, do I just add their maco and micro nutes, I really like other additives! Thanks so much again, love you guys, hugs, marce


Well-Known Member
Looks like heat maybe nute burn. Lol. Hope that helps, good luck...

The lights should be close not touching. If it burns your hand it will your plants.
Nutes are not needed for seedlings. Let her grow. Leave her alone. You will know when it is time to add nutes. This is assuming you are in decent soil not miracle grow.


Thanks, gonna check my light see how hot it is, I only added that clonex at quarter strength, because this seedling is over three weeks old and didn't seem to be growing!


New Member
Using Clonex on seeds is unnecessary and can cause more problems than it's worth. Clonex should only be used on clones. Seeds come with enough nutrients built in to start themselves> All they need is a moist environment. Since you use soil, get yourself some seed starting plugs made out of peat. Keep it moist and things will be fine. If you bought halfway decent soil (that isn't miracle grow), it's more than enough to start a plant off. Only introduce nutes when it's a little bigger than what you have now and only use 10-20% of the suggested dosage and build it up as it grows. Use only organic soils if you want good results.