I dont think thats normal..


Active Member
I recently transplanted this seedling from soil to ponics at two weeks from seed (day15)
Its under a 4 2ft 24w T5. No nutes yet. Just superthrive, h2o2, and phd water at around 5.8. Its a GH waterfarm. Hydroton clay pebbles.
I only had scotts peat mix with no peralite, and a high bark content... Just what i had. It suffocated my roots and took forever to drain and dry. I said fkk it and transplanted it. Amazingly after like 26h it was already returning color and picking up its leaves. Now i noticed the stem looked like this, but the plant is still growing. The tips burnt off when i tried to add nutes too soon. So flushed and took care of that.. and the brown spots on the first to leaves is from water drops. IMAG0340.jpg

Just want to know if i can fight it, how or if anyone knows what it even is.. View attachment 2445407


Active Member
No, i did not.
Wasn't to much of a root system, but had long roots. They were milky colored. Not the brite milky white i wanted tho. Almost reached the bottom. 4 days since i transplanted it. Still showing growth. The coytledon (SC) is burnt at the tip as well. I never put hardly any nutes when i did that once. The tips just browned after that. Just hope its not some disease. IMAG0359.jpg


Active Member
C'mon fellow growsmokers. Im sitting here watching my plant waiting for some advice! Noone likes to watch their babies suffer at such a young age:(


Well-Known Member
Just wait it out, IMO.
I think part of it was the bad start in that crappy looking soil, then it probably didn't know what to do when it could breathe after you moved it.
And, washing off any dirt that may have been clinging to the roots probably didn't help either.


Well-Known Member
I think wait it out. She actually looks okay considering what she's been through. The stem is okay -- the two colors aren't a disease. If there's new growth and it's looking healthy, then you have a future! Just don't add nutes maybe for another week -- wait until it's three weeks old this time. And then add 1/4 nutes only for a few weeks.


Your stem is thickening! Its just shedding because its growing, ride it out.. Like Baka said transplanting from soil > hydro can shock a plant, its a different medium