I don't know what to do anymore!!


Well-Known Member
I have been going crazy trying to find a alternative forum of lights that can produce a large yield. The best I can come up with is the california light works solar storm with the chamilion solar genesis 1. Just wondering what you guys have came up with?


Active Member
Wassup bro. In all honestly bro hps give the best yield there really is no way around it. Unless you grow outside. LEDs just don't provide the full spectrum that the Plant needs. Even l if its a purple and red sPectrume it still won't give the light the plant needs. If u really are looking for good yield use kessil lights with a few cfls bro. I wish you the best tell me how it goes.


Active Member
you have to think about the medium, pots, catch trays or rubbermaid reservoir too, irrigation rate and adequate drainage are just as important.


Well-Known Member
It would me expensive. Im using t5s right now. Think about buying some bulbs after reading the led without leds thread.