I caught RIPPERS!


Active Member
amazingly at 4:20am I awoke to fine the neighbors X-boyfriend had clipped a hole in my fence. That fence is circled with attack dogs. Why would they not know I have SIX dogs some weighing 170 pounds, (Yes 170 pound English mastiff) Just about the biggest dog I have ever seen, two German Shepperd, two hound dogs and a great Dane.

I yelled, "If you fucked up my fence I kill you!!" They cut a huge hole!

I got a positive identification of both of them.

Hay I got some new bolt cutters out of the deal but They fucked up my fence!

Im told the guy is a neo natzi with "SS" on his neck.

How was he going to carry out my plants with 6 dogs?

O and the dogs slept, I had to bang on the dog house, what a bunch of lazy dogs!


Well-Known Member
sounds like something my dogs would do. and then wake up to bark at the wind 20 minutes later or something!

at least you got some nice new bolt cutters.:wink:

Bueno Time

Well-Known Member
Fix the fence as best as you can quickly and watch out because most likely someone will be coming back again...


Active Member
I have an English Mastiff as well and ironically, right now he's weighing in at around 170 !!! People are scared shitless of my dog cuz of his size and thats when he's bein friendly !!! Why would someone wanna chance messing with your dogs for the sake of a few plants tells me he has more balls than brains. Fuck him and his SS tatoo.


Well-Known Member
maybe get an ill tempered Chihuahua....since the big dogs wont handle your business..big dogs dont bother me...toss some food past them and your good...the little ones have no fear and will tear a fucking ankle up


Well-Known Member
Little dogs are yappers.Thats what I would do get a loud little dog to wake up the big fellas


Active Member
Call the cops. Thats theft of your prescribed meds if it is a legal grow.
People get shot for less then this...but whatever you do dont shoot a ripper unless you can prove he threatend you while being robbed...


Well-Known Member
nice to hear you messed up their plans, now it's time to collect money for the fence!