Hi all,
Growing white widow autoflower in coco coir, 200 Watt LED light with average ventilation. This has appeared on 3 plants, yet not others who have identical set ups with physical nutrients added and now tempted to add some liquid nutes (old timer brand).
Am I just seeing nitrogen deficiency or are they some how sick? Im really bad at adding the right amount of nutes, I hope it's just that.

Any advice on what this is is GREATLY appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Growing white widow autoflower in coco coir, 200 Watt LED light with average ventilation. This has appeared on 3 plants, yet not others who have identical set ups with physical nutrients added and now tempted to add some liquid nutes (old timer brand).
Am I just seeing nitrogen deficiency or are they some how sick? Im really bad at adding the right amount of nutes, I hope it's just that.

Any advice on what this is is GREATLY appreciated. Thank you in advance.