I built a light, tell me if you think I overpowered the cxb3590s


New Member
I ordered a custom light with 8 cxb3590s 36v, and I am running two rails of 4 lights with hlg-320h-c1750b rivers. I was going to go with hlg-240h-c1400b drivers but last minute I decided I needed the extra power

so the current is 1750mah x 8 36v cxb3590s

I am building in a 3.5' by 5.5' space. the light is a 3x4 light. its running at 500 watts.
I ordered a custom light with 8 cxb3590s 36v, and I am running two rails of 4 lights with hlg-320h-c1750b rivers. I was going to go with hlg-240h-c1400b drivers but last minute I decided I needed the extra power

so the current is 1750mah x 8 36v cxb3590s

I am building in a 3.5' by 5.5' space. the light is a 3x4 light. its running at 500 watts.

My setup is like 5 years old now but 4x cxb3590 with HLG-320H-C2100B. Runs great and never had any issues, it draws max ~320w at the wall when I have them turned all the way up. I have dots marked on the dial for ~100w and ~200w for when I have seedlings or am vegging under it. As long as you have decent heat syncs (and I assume you are running 2 hlg-320h-c1750bs) I think you should be good (note I am no expert here)