I broke number 1 rule


Active Member
feel like such an idiot I've been telling people I'm doing a huge op outdoors and now I'm sure someone told someone else and so on and so forth. I was high when I thought of this but I was getting a bit paranoid about pigs. I'm now sure everythings fine but I should prob do some damage repair and say no seeds germinated. Any opinions?


Well-Known Member
feel like such an idiot I've been telling people I'm doing a huge op outdoors and now I'm sure someone told someone else and so on and so forth. I was high when I thought of this but I was getting a bit paranoid about pigs. I'm now sure everythings fine but I should prob do some damage repair and say no seeds germinated. Any opinions?

3 words for you.

Einstein the IInd

K got some more words

Personally im never going to tell my gf or wife. why? because thats the fucking same as telling it to the cops. You'd eventually hear something along these lines "im breaking up with you and going to the cops about your grow op"

The only person id ever tell is my main boy and you probably have 1 too but id have to know him for atleast a few years because even they can fuck you over so if you told someone watch out.


Well-Known Member
yup , keep it to us (people on rollitup).
Im planning the same thing , but it works better in partners (so I hear).
so thats the only person Im telling .. that and you people lol.
as for damage control , I highly recommend saying that.


Well-Known Member
as for damage control , I highly recommend saying that.
the damage was already done, IF they already told people about it, no one is gonna waste there time telling about the seeds not germinating unless they ask again which they probably wouldn't, its just gonna keep spreading, sorry if im being a dick but i think you should change your plans for sure.


Well-Known Member
once upon a time, a teen thought he was so cool cuz he was growin like 17 plants that were all doing well and were already 1 hitter quitter shit nd they wern't even fully ready yet. he had it all, the fruity, the str8 stanky dank, the skunk and the hazey sandlewood, he went around telling his friends "yo dudes check out me homegrown!!!" that friend told a friend and that guy robbed his ass blind ran, up in his house, stabbed his dog to keep it quiet and stole all the plants.

Never tell about your grow, your lucky u got it outdoors nd never showed anyone


Well-Known Member
lmao i did this kind of thing but i only told my home boy of 13 years you could only tell people that u know wont tell


Well-Known Member
once upon a time, a teen thought he was so cool cuz he was growin like 17 plants that were all doing well and were already 1 hitter quitter shit nd they wern't even fully ready yet. he had it all, the fruity, the str8 stanky dank, the skunk and the hazey sandlewood, he went around telling his friends "yo dudes check out me homegrown!!!" that friend told a friend and that guy robbed his ass blind ran, up in his house, stabbed his dog to keep it quiet and stole all the plants.

Never tell about your grow, your lucky u got it outdoors nd never showed anyone
thats some crazy shit, to think, if the guy was home at the time, he coulda been killed too! man, ya, i only got one homeboy i talk about it to, hes grow before and ive know him forever. thats the only person im not fucked up about sayin somethin about it to. other than that i keep my mouth shut.


Active Member
ya i completly agree with all of it except i wouldnt....Shouldn't of said anything but i know this guy..... well i think im paranoid forsure but im definately going to spread that the cops talked to me about hearing shit and thats a crazy story people will spread and know im not doing it!!! booo yeaaaah!! how about that? im still sooo stupid.


Well-Known Member
most states --> if under one pound (total plant material) and first time offence then mandatory 1 year probation and small fine.. no jail
plant on, get stoned, be merry
who cares


New Member
A secret can be kept by two ppl only if one of them is dead. Never tell.....NEVER SHOW...

In my home state it has nothing to do with weight but with the number of plants (including males). Check out the NORML site to see what your states reg's are.