I am the nothing behind the shadows!


I am on a few other forums, as many of you are. Where possible, I try to contribute, but sometimes I have a real irritating "know it all" aspect to my posts... LOL

Don't hold that against me! It is my nature to be as sure about things as I possibly can. However, I do have my A.D.D. moments. If it wasn't for computers, google, WiKi, and various other good people like yourselves, I would be lost.

Well, that is my introduction. Can't wait to get out of the shadows!

For my opening contribution, I have added a link to my "vertical grow calculator" web-page. It is a favorite of many, though the page itself is a brand new creation. Play with it, and tell me what you think. (It is completely open to suggestions and they are all welcome.)

See you around,
JD, AKA (LaughingJim)