I am Popping 225mgs of dxm


New Member
Okay my last report went bad I got sick and fell asleep. Since that report have learned to use dxm only with weed so I dont get nausea. I am five foot 3 and 110lbs, I am small so I only need 225 to get to third plateau. Anyways I am popping dxm right now but as it kicks in an hour from now I will smoke my last bowl of the kron.
I wil try and keep up with the report this time. I am only taking this dxm because Im out of bud (almost) and my whole towns dry Ive been looking for an eight since monday.

EDIT: OOPS i forgot to ask, I took 325mgs of aspirine about 45mins ago, will this be bad with the dxm??

All in all I had a fantastic experience , it was exactly how I wanted it to be 100%pleasure the whole night. Even when I was vomiting I was like I FEEL SOO GOOD. I watched the kimbo fight I thought for sure he was going to win because he is 30lbs heavier than the other guy, but when he lost I couldn't comprehend that fact, I was shocked and my brain wasn't able to realize it was a real event.
Every thing seemed so fake or like a dream. I didn't have good memory skills because I couldn't add basic numbers like 9 + 4. I would try but my brain would give up and start thinking about something else. THe whole expierience I felt out of my body. It was amazing and fascinating to me that I could control different parts of my body, because they didn't seem like they were mine or even attached to me. MUsic is a trip I was playing Darude sandstorm on my pc, and I got the biggest rush of excitiment I ever had in my life. It made me wanna dance like crazy and I couldnt resist the temptation to move my whole body. I did have roomates in other rooms of the house and when I would get something to drink they would talk to me but they didnt notice anything strange. The onlything that they might have thought was strange is that I vomited on the floor in my room, but they thought maybe I was drinking.
This expierience has changed my whole perspective on life. I am glad i have the gift of life and that I had the gift of dxm and weed last night. For if I were to die right now I would feel my life is complete, I feel like i've been to the edges of my brains imagination, last night was more pleasurable than my whole entire life! Possibly the only thing that would have made this expierience better would be having sex or jacking off lol! BUt i didnt do any of these. I enjoyed chatting with people over the internet all night, which may not sound like the funnest thing ever but last night it was a BLAST! Getting to know other peoples opinions and comparing them to mine made me think just how different we all are. I wouldn'ttake this drug before alot of work, only take this drug on your days off for it will last a long duration.
I don't feel the cumpulsive need to do it again, because doing it to much it will lose its magic. So maybe 2 weeks from now I will do it agian. I can't stop thinking about howgreat last night was. Their seemed to be no side affects the whole time except I was a little thirsty, i did throw up but i wasnt feeling nasueas when it happened I just all of a sudden out of nowhere puked. I felt great the whole time through puking and all. No robo itch, and I didnt turn red all over. What a great time a had feels like I went on a vaction into my imagination, which I hope everyone expieriences in their life.
I had a fucking great time I recommend that u try this drug BUT ONLY if YOU HAVE WEED also, because alone it can make u pretty naseuas weed eliminates naseua thus NO SIDEAFFects!!
DO research on how much you wanna take use this website here to find out wht dosage u should take http://ledahosting.com/~ahughes/DXM/dxmcalc.htm
it will make u sick I will post a pic of the best stuff to use , which is the stuff i used last night.

This is the pills i used. I got them at winn dixie. But you can find them in any store that sells cough meds!!


Thank you Mary Jane :blsmoke::joint::joint::joint:


New Member
OMg it is 10:52 I CANT BELIEVE HOW WONDERFUL I FEEL. THis shit is amazing .
I used a water fall bong to smoke a ball of kron. And the dxm has kicked in I feel so fuckn good rite now


New Member
I am fucked up and just watched kimbo get his ass kicked. I cant type good. I cant even relize that this is real
KImmbo got pwned its 11:11 pm,


New Member
Okay It is 11:26 I am SO fucked up I think THIs is a dream. I am moving soooo slow like a robot. I am still high along with dxm. I AM TRIPPING MAD BALLS


New Member
Everything is going so slow but time is moving so fast I dont know what the fuck is going on I feel out of body my brain is missing its 11:29


New Member
why thank u and dxm and weed and kimbo slice made my day. OMG IM SO HIGH and I feel like an alien off a nother planet right now


Well-Known Member
You get that stop motion animation kinda effect? Or the walking on the moon weightlessness? Triple C's are a trip!